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A dream is just a dream, but it may be more than a dream
嗯, 明天也做个好梦。
A whale is not a fish any more than a horse is.
鲸之非鱼, 无异于马之非鱼。
A home without love is no more a home than a body without a sound mind is a man
A home without love is no more a home than a body without a sound mind is a man.
A whale is no more a fish than a horse
A whale is no more a fish than a horse is.
A panda is no more a cat than a dog.
This is more of a municipal governments problem than a.
A panda is no more a cat than a dog is.
熊猫不是猫, 正如狗不是猫一样。
A bit more, a bit more will do.
A home without love is no more a home than a man without soul.
You still getting more As than an aardvark.
AARON It seems to me that knowing is better and more responsible than not knowing.
亚伦对我而言, 知道实情要比不知道更好, 更负责。
if ab extra wu is versed in , personnel buys insurance not to have this limitation more for its by employer.
However, more commonly, chronic prostatitis is abacterial and there is no history of urinary tract infection.
Learning abacus made my son more interested in math.
division on the abacus with a divisor of two or more digits
珠算中两位或两位以上除数的除法, 引申指算计
Sheol and Abaddon lie open before the Lord, how much more human hearts!
阴间和灭亡尚在耶和华眼前, 何况世人得心呢?
I have said more than once that stability is of overriding importance and that we cannot abandon the peoples democratic dictatorship.
我不止一次讲过, 稳定压倒一切, 人民民主专政不能丢。
He had abandoned wish of saving him, and was no longer disposed to retard the more serious part of the torture.
他不再想挽救他, 不打算再拦阻对他施用更严酷的刑罚了。
Farmers abandoned the land for more lucrative employment in the booming construction industry.
Qualitative tests are those that are expected to lead either to more testing or to abandonment of the project.
You can abandon more money for philanthropy.
Shine marriage more exalted than libidinal abandon really?
who abandoned me more times than I can count.

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