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单词 Anacreon 例句大全,用单词Anacreon造句:

How to build a fluent, Anacreontic living environment to humble abode?
He also is met laugh of a person's mind, still Anacreontic, very heavy however, resembled assuming the deal of years of involved and abstruse.
Economy is not here Anacreontic period, we will control expenditure and administrative venture strictly.
在此经济不明朗时期, 我们将严格控制开支和管理风险。
Anacreon sing the praises of wine and love, goods up to sing the praises of God.
阿那克里翁歌颂醇酒和爱情, 品达歌颂神。
The destiny of Yahoo search business also have not Anacreontic.
Or with weak those who fizzle out is Anacreontic and tonal build a joy, cordial atmosphere.
Anacreontic and light tonal it is main show manner, and what suit to use most is orange.
Scuttle light has the openest view, the freshest air, the most Anacreontic daylighting.
Rise east, the rising sun east rise, they are ardent look forward to him child to have an Anacreontic future.
升东, 旭日东升, 他们殷切盼望自己孩子拥有一个明朗的未来。

单词 Anacreon 释义

  • 单词释义:(公元前六世纪的古希腊抒情诗人)阿克那里翁  [更多..]



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