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单词 achieved 例句大全,用单词achieved造句:

For ensure the quality achieved request of both side, specific set of this agreement, and abide it all of us.
and has achieved whatever work it was in him to do, the fear of death is somewhat abject and ignoble.
一切能做的都做了, 如果怕死, 就有点儿可怜又可鄙。
Law and order cannot be achieved in the absence of effective judicial and corrections institutions.
如果没有有效的司法和惩戒机构, 就无法实现法律和秩序。
How are temperatures close to absolute zero achieved and measured?
However, the absolute perfection has never been achieved and, of course, can never be achieved!
然而, 绝对的完美却始终未达到, 当然也永远无法达到!
Whether absolute zero may be achieved experimentally is a question of some interest and importance.
True happiness is Peace, a state of mind achieved through perceiving the Absolute Reality and freedom from Desire.
The studies on seeking roots of GuShi have achieved great academic achievements in recent three decades.
The studies on the historical changes of environment have achieved academic achievements in recent ten years.
近十余年来, 环境变迁史研究取得丰硕成果。
Shouldn't these people, who have achieved academic results, also be judged as politically sound?
A snappy effect is achieved when motion is accelerated and retarded in this way.
Finally, the regulate for the acceleration of the microdissection tool was achieved.
Less benefit is achieved on this vehicle by use of the accelerometer.
Safe access and egress can be achieved by various methods.
In the education sector, universal access has already been achieved at the primary and secondary levels.
在教育部门, 已实现初级和中级教育的普及。
Remote access into a corporate Intranet can be achieved through a variety of methods.
However, three African countries have achieved universal access to antiretroviral treatment.
但是, 三个非洲国家已实现抗逆转录病毒疗法的普及。
The dimensions of the accessary industry related to its has achieved many yuan 300.
Peace can be achieved only through accommodation and mature recognition.
Without a stable environment accomplish nothing and may even lose what we have achieved.
This vow was accomplished when he achieved enlightenment as the Amitabha Buddha.
Remarkable accomplishments have been achieved in this regard in recent years.
在这一方面, 近几年来取得了明显成效。
Besides creative writing, she's achieved considerable accomplishments in teaching, research and commentary of new poetry.
The administration exercised by Mr. Tung Cheehwa in accordance with the Basic Law has achieved notable results.
The results achieved by using the Archie formula and the percolation theory are in good accordance.

单词 achieved 释义

  • 单词释义:取得;获得;实现;成功( achieve的过去式和过去分词 )  [更多..]



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