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单词 more difficult 例句大全,用单词more difficult造句:

This further begets a lack of willingness for mutual accommodation, making progress on nuclear disarmament even more difficult.
这又导致缺乏互谅互让的意愿, 致使核裁军进展更加困难。
This is most commendable, but it may prove to be more difficult to accomplish than originally envisaged.
这非常可嘉, 但是可能证明比原先设想的更难实现。
And that's a much, much more difficult lesson to take into account.
Soluble in ethanol, acetone or acetonitrile, more difficult to dissolve in ether, a few Insoluble in water.
易溶于乙醇, 或乙腈, 较难溶于乙醚, 几不溶于水。
Agape is the happily ever after love, and much more difficult to achieve.
情爱是一种幸福持久的爱, 是更难达到的境界。
But it is more difficult to achieve the generative geography teaching as a teaching routine at this stage.
但要实现地理生成性教学的常规化, 在现阶段困难很多。
Unlike acne and hirsutism, medical management of hair loss is much more difficult.
To acquire wealth is difficult, to preserve it more difficult, But to spend it wisely most difficult of all.
The comprehension of the passive sentences is more difficult than that of the active sentences for all types of aphasics.
In addition, the repairing work in tunnel is more difficult than in open line.
This makes it more difficult to change paradigms without an adequate guide.
As picture tube ages, this will be one of the more difficult adjustments to make.
I must admit, it's more difficult than I thought it would be.
我必须承认, 这比我想象的要困难得多。
An intermediate class is more difficult than a beginner's class but easier than an advanced one.
Like Rainier, it is the other side of the adventure that is actually more difficult.
Crime is guilty of affray transforming the judicial practice of one of the issues more difficult.
As the afternoon wore away, I found it more and more difficult to stay awake.
Yet his harsh tone then made a rational bipartisan agreement more difficult.
It is more difficult to write simply, directly, and effectiely than to employ flowery but ague expressions that only obscure ones meaning.
Mass destruction weapons bring more difficulties to the first aid.
Airline industry has become more and more difficult since the competition grew.
The more alterative, the more difficult the choice.
选择越多, 愈难抉择。
The more alterative ,the more difficult the choice .
Emigrating to America is more difficult now.
Ammonia has been one of the more difficult basic chemicals to synthesize.
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单词 more difficult 释义

  • 单词释义:更难的(difficult的比较级)  [更多..]



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