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单词 Delve 例句大全,用单词Delve造句:

We view last season as a prologue. This season focuses on the actualization of our characters and delves into their lives.
When Adam delved and Eve span, who was then the gentleman?
亚当耕种夏娃织, 安得绅士与庶人?
When Adam delved and Eve span, who was then the gentleman ?
So let's delve into the two additional models you can use with your data.
The ninth house is where we feel a sense of adventure and delve into new areas in an enthusiastic way.
You are advised to read them carefully if you wish to delve deeper into this subject.
如果你愿意深入研究这个课题, 建议你仔细地阅读它。
Objective To delve into the increase of resection rate and the decrease of death rate of aged patients with cardiac cancer.
Ah this is a complex subject, but one that we will delve into.
Then well delve deep into the warm and welcoming world of synchrony.
We now wish to delve into the new octaves of love that have been anchored on Earth.
Larson does not delve deeply into the reasons for Ambassador Dodds slow awakening.
Anesthesia gave them the freedom to experiment, to start to delve deeper into the body.
Objective To delve into the relationship of bloodlipid to serum bilirubin in ApoE geneknockout mice.
Before he was appointed, the committee delved into his past record.
Currently, the science searchers have delved arcanum about kiss.
That said, lets get on with what we know, and delve into the architectures a bit.
这就是说, 让得到的与我们所知道, 并深入架构一点。
As an Aries, sometimes you don't delve down to their emotional depth.
There are many techniques that are supportive of ascending initiates and this is what we wish to delve into today.
支持提升者的技巧有很多, 这是我们今天希望来深入的内容。
delve into the background of a case
She delved in her bag and pulled out a pen.
她在提包里翻找, 拿出一枝钢笔。
I do not bother to delve into installation instructions, nor into how to load or save a game.
A few buildings middle of nowhere, then the camera delves deep into exotic, luxuriant vegetation.
几幢建筑首先映入眼帘, 然后摄影机转向繁茂的异国植物。
Is not enough and then delve into the next exciting level!
Delve into the technical world and learn more about the vehicle of your choice.
深入技术世界, 洞悉更多您对车辆的选择。
I just really delved into the comic books.

单词 Delve 释义



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