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单词 checkpoints 例句大全,用单词checkpoints造句:

Statistics of checkpoints and curfews cannot accurately portray the obscenity of the situation.
The additional protection tasks at the checkpoints, and troop levels, will be assessed on a regular basis.
Checkpoints, closures and curfews had seriously affected the Palestinian economy.
The checkpoints appeared designed to cripple Georgia's economy.
As of April2005, the number of checkpoints has been reduced from around680 to605.
The idea called for a series of checkpoints for bombers armed with nuclear weapons.
Checkpoints and closures in the West Bank continue to seriously impair freedom of movement.
But closures, curfews and checkpoints have not been relaxed significantly in the West Bank.
During testimony intended to show the judge that Barker could be rehabilitated, Barkers fellow soldiers described weeks with little support and sleep while manning distant checkpoints.
在早前的证词中, 巴克尔描述了他们强奸伊拉克少女的细节。
There are a number of checkpoints on the border between East and West Berlin.
With 11 more checkpoints to go, things did not bode well for the rest of the day.
? Detection systems have been set up at the border checkpoints of the main international marinas.
At border checkpoints automated procedure and devices have been recently installed for the detection of forged documents.
在边界检查站, 为查验伪造证件, 最近安装了自动程序和装置。
Outside these monitored checkpoints, the borders remain porous, however.
然而在这些受到监控的检查站之外, 边界仍然漏洞百出。
Cellular Mechanism for Circadian Checkpoints for Cell Cycle Progression in Euglena gracilis
眼虫藻细胞周期进展中, 生物钟控制点的细胞学机制
In one incident, Gaza residents who tried to circumvent checkpoints had been dispersed by tear gas.
有一次, 试图绕过检查站的加沙居民被催泪弹驱散。
The rules governing the granting of permits and passage through the checkpoints constantly change.
At the same time, some incidents of extortion at Civil Defence Force checkpoints continued to be reported.
Checkpoints, curfews and the permit system continued to have an impact on the humanitarian operations.
They must really be cracking down on drunk driving this month. I saw three sobriety checkpoints on my way home. The guy in front of me also failed the breathalyzer test and I saw him getting arrested. Sucks for him.
Extra staff were deployed last night at the Lok Ma Chau and Huanggang checkpoints.
Fifteen minutes and fifteen checkpoints later, we entered our destination.
We determine each of the checkpoints described in Table 1 for each scenario and test.
我们确定表1 中每个场景和测试中所描述的每个检查点。
The dismantling of checkpoints is also under way.
According to reports, checkpoints have been dismantled under pressure from civil society.
根据报告, 在民间社会的压力下, 检查站已经撤除。

单词 checkpoints 释义

  • 单词释义:检查站,车站的行李房( checkpoint的名词复数 )  [更多..]



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