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单词 hollers 例句大全,用单词hollers造句:

On the ship's deck, after the whoops and hollers, the butchering begins.
Catch a tiger by its toe. If he hollers.
Who has esten up my porridge ? hollers Daddy bear in a very loud voice.
谁吃了我的粥?熊爸爸用很响的声音哇哇? ?。
Who has esten up my porridge? hollers Daddy bear in a very loud voice.
谁吃了我得粥?熊爸爸用很响得声音哇哇 大叫。
Who has moved my bed ? hollers Daddy bear in a very loud voice.
谁动过我的床?熊爸爸用很响的声音哇哇? ?。
Who has moved my bed? hollers Daddy bear in a very loud voice.
谁动过我得床?熊爸爸用很响得声音哇哇 大叫。
I'm about to die from this heat. her brother hollers down the hall.

单词 hollers 释义

  • 单词释义:喊出(某事物),叫喊( holler的名词复数 )  [更多..]



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