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单词 home 例句大全,用单词home造句:

But the womans family is the snobbish family home, abandoned by men have been on firewood.
After surgery, she sat at home watching the home shopping channels, charging thousands more.
手术后, 她坐在家里看家庭购物频道, 又欠了数千美元。
I know men that stay home and work in the home to support wives with careers, and it's hard.
我知道有居家男人 呆在家里做内务支持职场妻子 这很难。
The Hangdown is a home away from home for the largely unemployed male population of Padookie.
Rent a home is not a problem. But rent a nice, cheap home close to your company is a problem.
Where we love is home, Mercurial vapor, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.
But first he had stopped by the family home to decorate our tree, a ritual he had never abandoned.
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One question is, should we reinstate the Home Buyer Tax Credit in an effort to push home prices up
一个问题就是, 我们是否要资助购房抵税让房价上升?
We have to reproduce the kind of form we show away from home to be more efficient at home as well.
我们必须要复制这样的客场状态, 在主场也要更加有效。
With thoughtful service and harmonious atmosphere, the nursing home is really the home of the aged.
His family is forced to abandon their home in Kiev and move to the coast in the east of the country.
Computer jobs that you work at home offer the freedom to make money in the comfort of your own home.
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At home playing with the computer, watching television, sometimes helped his mother make it home pretty boring.
在家玩电脑, 看电视, 有时帮妈妈做做家务蛮无聊的。
some idioms about familial affection Where we love is homehome that our feet ma y leave, but not our hearts.
Upon completing a days work, Akiko heads home and makes dinner for her hubby while waiting for him to arrive home.
一天工作完毕, 回到家中, 做晚饭, 等待丈夫归来。
Chinglish Thank you for your goodwill, but I can go home on foot. Revision Thanks for your offer, but I can walk home.
The doctor has been called to a home confinement, ie a birth taking place at the mothers home rather than in hospital.
Many of the people living in countries not their own are refugees who never wanted to leave home and ache to go back home.
Kirk Bannerman operates a successful home based business and coaches others seeking to start their own home based business.
The furnace of microwave oven of alexipharmic home appliance, lightwave cosset that became special period to occupy the home.
Now again you abandon me, and are returning home. I do not know if hereafter I may expect to have another opportunity of seeing you.
Nearer home, I loved the stories collected in memory of Katie Sullivan, the 23-year-old mental home care assistant who was murdered last year.
A large growth in home births in the West has also seen the return to babies being born in the home bedroom, close to father and other members of the immediate family.

单词 home 释义

  • 单词释义:家;家庭;家庭生活;终点  [更多..]



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