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单词 hobby 例句大全,用单词hobby造句:

I also according to own hobby, register to attend school speech class.
His hobby was burning a hole in his pocket, so he found another hobby.
In the world of the tropical fish hobby, it is safe to assume that most
Not small stipend provided strong supporter for this kind of his hobby.
I have a very strange hobby, my first hobby is actually marlin fishing.
Since he got his hobby horse on his last birthday, he loves to ride him.
自从上个生日收到了这个玩具木马, 他就经常骑它。
In the beginning, these bug finders regard what they are doing as a hobby.
开始时, 纠客们只是把这种找茬当做一种闲暇之余的爱好。
Also I have a certificate of fitness instructor, this is my another hobby.
A bit of me My hobby is reading fiction books , besides study asian culture.
If you really become absorbed in a hobby, your interest may last a life time.
一旦你真的迷上了一种爱好, 你的兴趣会持续一生。
They are encouraged to take every imaginable hobby, activity or distraction.
Slot cars or model racing cars is a great hobby that can be enjoyed several ways.
I love to silk ab rocky films explanationtuattempty I go to trap cinema as a hobby.
I did not know which importantly individual hobby and the academic record do compare.
You've got a good chance of seeing buzzards here and even a hobby or peregrine falcon.
The extemporaneous interesting hobby, achievement effect that produces to people behavior.
His hobby is collecting bronze mirrors, which are ridiculed as"rubbish" by his wife.
Anyway, a couple months later, I started my little hobby, and the most wonderful thing happened.
几个月后,我就染上了这小嗜好 接着最精彩的事发生了。
As far as avocational hobby is concerned, Jennifer and her sister have almost nothing in common.
The hobby widespread is specially for likes superiorly in the electron and the automobile aspect.
Enthusiasm is a hobby, an attitude, but do not make it too or out of limitation, just so so.
I like English, And my hobby is playing piano reading book, playing basketball and listening music.
我喜爱英语, 我的兴趣爱好是弹钢琴, 投篮和听音乐。
Usually likes the matter which makes itself to like doing, the hobby surfer and plays the basketball.
平时喜欢做自己喜欢做的事, 爱好上网和打篮球。
A hobby An investment of a stock certificate and a wheel slip and sing, and, basketball and table tennis.
Broad hobby, being a steady worker broadly, be rich in sense of responsibility , take the team cooperation seriously.
爱好广泛, 工作踏实, 富有责任心, 重视团队合作。

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