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单词 higher 例句大全,用单词higher造句:

Higher content of acetaldehyde and higher alcohols were the key reasons of headache after beer drinking.
You may move to a higher tone of voice in sections of the sermon that contain a higher level of emotion.
On Strengthening Building the Practical Training Bases of Higher Vocational and Higher Academic Education
Fast analysis of aromatics in higher boiling reformatted gasolineand higher boiling straight run gasoline
The higher modes have shorter periods than the fundamental mode and, moreover, they have higher velocities.
高振型波比基阶振型波周期短, 波速高。
Research and Consideration of Adult Higher Education Trying to Undertake Higher Vocational Technical Education
Water always flows from a higher to a lower level, but everybody has an ambition to rise higher up in society.
水向低处流, 人往高处走。
The higher vacuum degree was, the higher were the overheating degree and dehydrating efficiency on mushroom surface.
The contradiction between higher education requirement and demand impact upon enlarged enrollment in higher education
The higher the purity, the closer to the numerical values of dry solid materials, explaining the higher sugar content.
Higher before peak flowering, the rates of carrying to the seed cotton were also higher during the period of boll opening.
Evaluation of National Higher Vocational Education Institutions and Higher Technical Institutions Needs Prompt Improvement
The higher the volatility, the higher the risk on the underlying and therefore the more expensive the warrant will become.
Higher learning institution inspectorship system is an important part of China's higher learning institution administration.
The tempest rose higher and higher, and presently the sail tore loose from its fastenings and went winging away on the blast.
Higher deodorizer discharge temperatures are necessary for higher melting products but should be maintained as low as possible.
Influence of Enrolment Enlargement of Ordinary Institutions of Higher Learning on Higher Education of Adults and Countermeasures
The higher the Arabica coffee plant is, the higher the chance is that it will produce coffee beans that can be classified as gourmet.
阿拉比卡咖啡树长得越高, 其出产极品咖啡豆的几率就越高。
China's higher normal education is not higher on scholar level and it is lower in quality of teachers cultivating due to closing down.
Dance inspires him ceaselessly to strive higher and higher toward the shining pinnacle of perfection that is the goal of every artiste.
Compared with the prior speed skate blade, the utility model has the advantages of higher sliding efficiency and higher difficulty of fatigue.
The results show that the higher the firing frequency, the higher the maximum bore pressure and the lower the muzzle velocity of projectile.
The concentrations of surface free radical in chip and fiber were both higher than in whole stalk and the one in fiber was higher than in chip.
碎料和纤维的表面自由基浓度高于整秆, 纤维的高于碎料。
Founding the Second Time Modernization of the Journal of Adult Higher Learning and Higher Vocational Learning by the Guidance of the Primary Creation
The Higher Vocational School and the Higher Faculty Colleges and Universities General Education Curriculum Appraisal and the implementation Effect Examine Floats

单词 higher 释义

  • 单词释义:高高的;高级的;上级的;高等的;高的( high的比较级 );高尚的;高地的;高级的  [更多..]



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