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单词 hollywood 例句大全,用单词hollywood造句:

Asian films produced outside Hollywood are also doing well in North America.
Maybe that Indiana Jones photo got between me and my big break in Hollywood.
I told several I was an aspiring actor looking for my big break in Hollywood.
Now both are rising Chinese actresses in Hollywood gifted with acting talents.
It is a good illustration of how the economic downturn is affecting Hollywood.
Hassler, who eventually left Hollywood to become a life coach and book author.
The hopeful young actors and actresses are dazzled by the glamour of Hollywood.
He's doing stuff that looks as amazing as stuff I've seen released from Hollywood.
Hollywood gathers around power tables, and the Valley gathers around power tables.
好莱坞有自己的权力圆桌 硅谷有桌面足球
Some aspects of Hollywood history are magnified in the ups and downs of his career.
Which Hollywood star once caused a commotion when she claimed to have had an affair?
Hollywood blockbusters arent usually notable for their artistic or political subtlety.
She was blacklisted by all the major Hollywood studios because of her political views.
Legendary Hollywood actor and political activist Charlton Heston has died at the age of 84.
好莱坞传奇演员与政治活动家查尔顿赫斯顿去逝, 享年84岁。
Hollywood has grown too sophisticated to turn out anything really amusingly bad these days.
Many Hollywood stars ask their partner to sign a prenuptial agreement when they get engaged.
Having been born to privilege in old Hollywood, she was carrying on a family tradition by acting.
He was head of Paramount Studios in Hollywood but he had begun his motion-picture career as a writer.
With the help of some advertising stunts, she successfully made her proverbial debut in the Hollywood.
Amongst all the Hollywood elite these days, Angelina is consistently referred to as the most beautiful.
如今好莱坞精英中, 安吉丽娜一直被认为是最美丽的。
He does not want to find himself accepting parts because of what others in Hollywood think he should do.
Hollywood Alister Julia enjoyed creamy chicken curries while making her latest film, Eat Pray Love, in India.
尤其是冬笋的味道更好, 它们成米色, 并且口感较嫩。
After visiting Hollywood, Universal Studios and Beverly Hills in Los Angeles, I've decided film stardom is where the good life lies.
Griffith then filmed the first movie ever shot in Hollywood, In Old California, a Biograph melodrama about California in the 1800s, while it belonged to Mexico.
之后, 格里菲斯完成了在好莱坞拍摄的第一部电影。
While many current Hollywood depictions of marriage may be overly pessimistic, statistics in America are alarming: each year half as many Americans get divorced as marry.

单词 hollywood 释义

  • 单词释义:n.好莱坞(位于美国加利福尼亚洛杉矶城的西北),美国电影业  [更多..]



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