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单词 holistic 例句大全,用单词holistic造句:

The essay is an indirect affirmation of the scientific nature and modernity of contemporary holistic study.
It gives some valuable advice on how to heighten holistic, macroscopical benefit of deep water well drilling.
提出了从整体上, 宏观上提高深水井钻进效益的改进措施。
To develop a holistic view of education focusing on the intellectual, emotional, creative and ethical person.
Objectives To carry out the individuation nursing care and to extend the connotation of holistic nursing care.
Results The perioperative holistic nursing was favourable to patients undergoing surgery and postoperative recovery.
In cognitive linguistic terms, form and meaning structure a figureground gestalt or holistic relation within language.
Be responsible for controlling the developing direction of the company and establish the holistic developing strategic planning.
The ancient Chinese writing applies a holistic borrowing pattern, while Egyptian hieroglyphic applies an analytical borrowing pattern.
古汉字使用整体性音借方式, 而圣书字使用分析性音借方式。
To draw the various strands together, the Ministry of Education sought to provide a holistic picture of the outcomes we hope to achieve.
The holistic utilization of resources must be promoted and ecological restoration from farmlands must be conducted in a rational and sequential manner.
The PE specialists attribute their successes to a holistic approach, one that emphasizes not only the physical, but the social skills that children need to work cooperatively.

单词 holistic 释义

  • 单词释义:全盘的,整体的;功能整体性的  [更多..]



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