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单词 hide 例句大全,用单词hide造句:

The fine performances of the actors hide the shallowness of theplay's script.
Only his left forehead young black age spots, is not hide the signs of aging.
Being a celebrity has taught me to hide but being an actor has opened my soul.
You don't hide or swallow your anger, but you express it in an underhanded way.
你没有隐藏或咽下自己愤怒, 可是你在用低俗的方式表达。
Clownfish hide among the poisonous tentacles of a sea anemone without being hurt.
An annoying coworker, on the other hand, can make you want to hide under the covers.
Later stretch hand, simply took the battery out the alarm, attempted to hide blanket.
I want you to tell me the absolute truth, don't hide anything, just tell me like it is!
我要你实实在在地告诉我, 不要隐瞒, 老老实实地讲。
Unpaid bills are harder to hide so the rise in accounts receivable points to a problem.
未付账单则更难掩盖, 因此, 应收账款增加还是说明有问题。
Also somebody likes to clear away entire apparatus rise, hide in the ambry of efficient.
也有人喜欢把全部用具都收拾起来, 藏在干净利落的橱柜里。
Male temporarily actuation,holding cummer the arms to hide into covert,very apace is done.
Norman was arrested for abetting the crime because he helped the robbers hide in his house.
Male temporarily actuation, holding cummer the arms to hide into covert, very apace is done.
The administration is just stonewalling in an attempt to hide their political embarrassment.
Male temporarily actuation,holding cummer the arms to hide into covert,very apace makes love.
Male temporarily actuation, holding cummer the arms to hide into covert, very apace makes love.
The processes of manufacturing imitated cow hide furniture leather with buffalo hide was studied.
It also allows administrators to hide cameras within the system so that they are completely covert.
They organized speeches by abolitionist leaders. And they helped hide slaves who were fleeing to freedom.
Aid, assist, support, encourage Norman was arrested for abetting the crime because he helped the robbers hide in his house.
Even the imaginative massaging of Chinas official state statisticians has not been able to hide a slowdown in their analyses.
Keep me as the apple of an eye Hide me under the shadow of thy wings Keep me as the apple of an eye Hide me, hide me, hide me
Nine inborn vitalities hide around elephant to fly to soon revolve, the light is dizzy to change Huan, hide an elephant tiny rock.
九道先天精气围着藏象飞速旋转, 光晕变幻间, 藏象微微晃动。
Nokia engineers found a way around that problem by designing a flat, platelike antenna that could hide inside the body of a cell phone.
Split the hide from the dewclaws down the leg to the hock and over the rear of the round to a point about 6 inches below the hock and remove the hide from each hind leg.

单词 hide 释义

  • 单词释义:把…藏起来;躲藏,遮住;隐瞒,掩蔽  [更多..]



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