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单词 hibernate 例句大全,用单词hibernate造句:

Unlike other bears from temperate climates, giant pandas do not hibernate.
不同于适宜气候的其他的熊, 大熊猫不冬眠。
Hibernate disabled because the computer failed to resume two or more times.
由于计算机两次或多次无法继续运行, 所以休眠被禁用。
But like dormice, the squirrels in cold countries hibernate in winter, too.
And the other six different, pandas and bears no sun bears hibernate behavior.
The bears will be able to hibernate in caves, dig in the ground and catch fish.
这些熊将可以在洞穴里冬眠, 可以挖洞, 还可以捉鱼吃。
The Waking of Insects It means the hibernate insects begin to wake up gradually.
Animals that hibernate practice energy conservation to a greater extreme than deer.
Do not attempt to hibernate ANY tortoise if you suspect it may be a tropical variety.
Though they do not truly hibernate, bears often sleep fitfully through much of the winter.
与狗和浣熊近缘, 大多数都能爬树并擅长游泳。
Many will die off with the first frost whilst others hibernate until the following spring.
Animals that hibernate practice energy conversation to a greater extent than those that do not.
Ever hibernate a box turtle in an area where there is ANY chance of flooding. They can and do drown!
绝对不要让龟在有可能发大水的地方冬眠, 它们会溺水而死。

单词 hibernate 释义



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