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单词 hera 例句大全,用单词hera造句:

Zeus then turned Io into a beautiful white little cow to avoid Hera.
为了躲避赫拉, 宙斯把爱娥变成了一头漂亮的小白牛。
Hera knew he would have no problem watching the cow even as he slept.
There was no fooling Hera. She doubted that the cow was really a cow.
Detail of Iris from a painting depicting her in the attendance of Hera.
Hera. he promised to tell him the right to bless him and a superior ruler.
Zeus had changed Io into a young cow when he saw Hera push away the cloud.
No woman could compete except in separate games devoted to the goddess Hera.
女性不能参加这些项目, 只能参加另外献给女神赫拉的比赛。
Hera was very angry with Io. She knew that because of Io Argus had been killed.
Hera is the most beautiful of the immortals. Her symbols were the peacock and the cow.
Hera became so greeneyed that she flew down from Olympus one day to pay her rival back.
Hera baths regularly in the spring of Canathus, near Argos, and thus renews her virginity.
All of the gods attended except Eris, the goddess of discord, and the daughter of Zeus and Hera.
神的都参加, 除了厄里斯, 不和女神, 是宙斯和赫拉的女儿。

单词 hera 释义

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