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单词 hesitation 例句大全,用单词hesitation造句:

It may not advance and retreat, a hesitation, returned to the original Department.
它进退不得, 迟疑了一会, 回到了原处。
Should trouble strike, their biggest hesitation might be over which friend to call.
After some hesitation, George jumped aboard and contributed heavily to the campaign.
犹豫了一番后, 乔治终于捐出了许多钱支持该运动。
When Anita Mui had her concert in Shanghai, I went to buy the ticket any hesitation.
梅艳芳在上海开演唱会, 我想都没有想, 就去买了票。
I had no hesitation in calling the police because I realized he was capable of murder.
He himself felt no more hesitation, though the weariness had not ceased to grow in him.
If I were you I would out of question accept the challenge without the least hesitation.
我要是你的话, 我会毫不迟疑地接受挑战。
Therefore, without any hesitation I recommend as the right person for you consideration.
The umpire raised his hand without hesitation, and a batsman of the red side was given out
Just a second of hesitation is often enough to botch a crucial possession in a tight game.
After a few moments hesitation, the donkey brayed, twitched his ears and stomped his foot.
And when the international community shows hesitation, this is being perceived as weakness.
Too much consideration leads to hesitation; while too little consideration leads to rashness.
Without hesitation, he continued to tell me how bad I looked and that my skin appeared yellow.
他毫不犹豫地继续说我脸色如何不好, 连皮肤都发黄了。
This has been decided by the standing committee. You should carry it out without any hesitation.
We remain a robust and lively community where people have no hesitation in speaking their minds.
They search for the meaning of life blindly with no hesitation in corrupting and hurting themselves.
The canter, always with light, cadenced and regular strides, should be moved into without hesitation.
跑步应当轻松, 有弹力而且规律的步伐, 运步毫不犹豫。
That had necessitated the amending of the French Constitution, and France had done so without hesitation.
After some initial hesitation, she decided to return the blender she had borrowed from me 4 months before.
After some initial hesitation, she decided to return the blender she had borrowed from me six months before.
As for those traditions which obviously obstruct social development, we should abandon them without hesitation.
Should you have question in respect to the statement, please contact our accounts department without hesitation.
After this there was no hesitation about breaking open the door, since it could not be got open in any other way.
有了这个语词已经不存疑问, 警方破开了对法律也不开的门。
Once you have decided the way to go, you should move forward without hesitation. Whatever hardship you may be confronted with, you should never return to the starting point.

单词 hesitation 释义

  • 单词释义:犹豫;踌躇;含糊;口吃  [更多..]



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