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单词 hesitant 例句大全,用单词hesitant造句:

So, when people finally started focusing on lilies and roses in her comics, she was hesitant.
所以, 当人们开始关注她漫画中的花容月貌时, 她犹豫了。
She will not be hesitant to try a new style as long as it does not make her look like a fool.
只要看上去不滑稽, 她很乐于尝试新潮的穿衣风格。
Hesitant medium of once the pony raise head, seeing just at not the distance eat the cow uncle of grass.
犹豫中的小马一抬头, 看见了正在不远处吃草的牛伯伯。
Like a calf dreads nothing, he is just undergoing the period when he isn't hesitant to do whatever he wants.
The man much quieter, more inward, the very shapes of his shoulders and his Buttocks less assertive, more hesitant.
Some local authorities have been hesitant over executing traitors and saboteurs who deserve the death penalty this is incorrect.
有些地方对于应该杀的汉奸破坏分子不敢杀, 是不正确的。

单词 hesitant 释义

  • 单词释义:踌躇的;犹豫的;迟疑的;吞吞吐吐的  [更多..]



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