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单词 hear 例句大全,用单词hear造句:

I was really sorry to hear about your father, please accept my sympathy.
我很难过听闻你父亲过世, 请节哀顺变。
Did you hear about this morning's road accident, 18 people were injured.
I cannot hear rainbow's showing up, I cannot hear the sun's setting down.
What do you hear I hear a pig. Cluck cluck. What do you hear I hear a hen.
When the giant panda to hear abnormal noise, it is often an immediate escape.
If sb has a broad accent, you can hear very easily which area they come from.
如果一个人口音重, 你就很容易听出他来自哪里。
Hear, my child, and accept my wards, that the years of your life may be many.
我儿, 你要听受我的言语, 必将延年益寿。
I could hear the teacher upbraiding Tom for his absence from school yesterday.
And when he had said these things, he cried, Hehath ears to hear, let him hear.
耶稣说了这些话, 就大声说, 有耳可听的, 就应当听。
She was so absorbed in her job that she didnt hear anybody knocking at the door.
她如此专注于工作, 竟没有听到有人敲门。
What exactly would the players be about that they'd wish Abramovich not to hear?
队员之间会有什么谈话时不希望阿布知道得 么?
We hope to hear from you, by return, that you have decided to accept this offer.
你方决定接受此报价, 望即复。
What exactly would the players be about that they'd wish Abramovich not to hear ?
队员之间会有什么谈话时不希望阿布知道的? ?
The writer was so absorbed in her work that she did not hear her visitor enter the room.
That might be a good idea. Now, what about accommodation I hear Paris is quite expensive.
He's prepared to hear things he doesn't want to hear as well as that which is more welcome.
He is from the South. When he opened his mouth to talk, people can hear his southern accent.
May he hear your prayers and be reconciled with you, and not abandon you in time of misfortune.
愿他俯允你们的祈祷, 怜恤你们, 在患难中不离弃你们!
Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I stated herein. Hoping to hear from you soon.
So absorbed was she in reading the touching novel that she didnt hear somebody knocking at the door.
她如此专注于这本感人的小说, 竟没有听到有人敲门。
It was absolutely still, and from a distance I could hear the hymn being sung at the professors grave.
这里很静, 从远处我能听到教授坟墓那边咏唱的圣歌。
Try to Analyze the Relation to Hear Notes of Four Part Harmony in Solfege and Hear Discriminate in Harmony
Id hear it pulling in and then a minute or two later Id hear the clock on the Methodist church banging out five.
我听见它进站的声音一两分钟后, 教堂的钟敲响五下。
No one speaks. It is so absolutely quiet that each person can hear the heartbeat of the person to his right or his left.
Interestingly enough, despite her strong cockney accent and vernacular, one can often hear aspects of each of those singers vocal repertoire in Winehouses own voice.
尽管如此, 她真正的吸引力还是来自于她的歌曲创作。

单词 hear 释义

  • 单词释义:听见;倾听;听说;审理;脑际响起;接到…的信/电话  [更多..]



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