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单词 headline 例句大全,用单词headline造句:

Refine your draft headline to make it brief, to the point, and more informative.
优化你的标题, 使他简短明了, 一语中的, 信息丰富。
The details behind the headline figure for overall inflation offered scant comfort.
a headline with the top line flush left and succeeding lines indented to the right.
I can't tell you anymore about that one because I stopped reading it at the headline.
我沒有辦法多著墨,因為我 讀完這標題就不想看下去了。
Exclusive type area Type area exclusive of headline and folio See inclusive type area.
The New York Times carried the headline ' With a Handshake, Rabin's Fate Was Sealed '.
The news headline is the eye of news and the highly artistic condensation of news content.
So what was the headline on an Associated Press analysis of that breakdown in negotiations
The supervisory system for the distant supply power of headline carrier and its improvement
The English newspaper headline is brief and explicit and is considered the soul of the news.
The proximate cause of the surge in headline inflation is the global rise in commodity prices.
Verbalization happens post facto, the residue of headline skimming and subconscious synthesis.
When was the last time that you picked up a newspaper and the headline was, Boy dies of Asthma?
你什么时候在报纸的头版上读到过 男童死于哮喘?
Beyond the headline, you should present a thorough and balanced analysis of the risks and benefits.
Broadening the tax base might be done in tandem with a decrease to the headline corporate tax rate.
Largely it is a bit of froth without substance that pontlessly denigrates the Dalai Lama to deliver a punchy headline.
因此, 他需要和能帮助他吸引全世界注意力的人保持联系。
The president will headline a fundraiser in his hometown of Chicago, where his campaign headquarters will be located, in coming weeks.
芝加哥是他的老家, 也将是其竞选总部所在地。

单词 headline 释义

  • 单词释义:大字标题;新闻提要;头条新闻  [更多..]



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