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单词 happen 例句大全,用单词happen造句:

To succeed at something is often harder than actually making it happen.
The Happen and Comprehensive Administration of Grassland Locust in Yili
The actual deviation is positive because we don't know what will happen.
Should auld acquaintance be forget, And not happen before brought to mind
怎能忘记旧日哥们, 心中能不怀想?
I don't suppose you happen to know the addresses of any of those planets.
Adnexitis happen often after delivery or execute abortion in postoperative.
Be a person of action, only action oriented individuals make things happen.
Do three inspection system work well, absolutely avoid rework events happen.
When the eye adjusts to lower levels of light, many reversible things happen.
Filtrale and add and engrave acid 5 drops of potassium, does not happen muddily
Hay cutter cuts a hand to hurt the person's accident to happen from time to tome.
In addition, I don't hope that any Legal disputes will happen between you and me!
另外, 希望误报所引起的诉讼不会在你我之间发生!
Motivation happens in accordance with what you expect, what you think will happen.
而是取决于你的预期, 也就是你认为将会发生的事情。
What would happen if there were a shortage of, say, computer network administrators
More importantly, businesses and society itself have to adapt before that will happen.
So I am not terribly impressed by those who know in advance what will or will not happen.
我不会惊讶于 谁会提前知道 会发生什么。
Most premature delivery is abiogenesis, or after because caul is early, be being defeated, happen.
多数早产为自然发生, 或因胎膜早破后发生。
Happen diabetic sufficient critical factor is fat it is to happen diabetic sufficient main factor.
According to psychologists, occasionally dreaming about things that will never happen can relax people.
A poignant account of an affair that didnt quite happen between a German officer and an unhappy French wife.
Because of the facial nerve affected to some oppression by conduction happen pathological interference be caused by.
Prof. White, 71, a practising neurosurgeon in Ohio, has advocated for more than a decade that human head transplants will happen.
I think it is absolutely wrong for research to begin in the first place without a clear plan for what would happen to the participants.
我认为这种 一旦结束就过河拆桥的 医学研究
If we accept that there has been warming, we turn to computer models to see if humans are to blame and what will happen to the earth's climate in the future.
I 'm not advocating human genetic engineering as a good thing, I 'm just saying that it is likely to happen in the next millennium, whether we want it or not.

单词 happen 释义

  • 单词释义:发生,出现;遭到;碰巧  [更多..]



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