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单词 have 例句大全,用单词have造句:

Usually, a real black hole will have accretion disk around it and have jets gushing out at two poles.
The children have to be collected, they have to be fed, they have to be taken to afternoon activities.
母亲必须去接孩子, 给他们吃饭, 然后带他们参加下午的活动。
Three years ago, we that have a childlike face have high aspirations and want to achieve the life span.
Suddenly accumulative fortune lets Chen Tianqiao have the have a skyrocketing rise, feeling that loses heart.
Because be here, have ocean, have blue sky, have the comfortable world with commensurate euqally pure nature.
因为在这里, 有海洋, 有蓝天, 有同大自然一样纯净的轻松世界。
He who works his land will have abundant food, but the one who chases fantasies will have his fill of poverty.
With 30 years of painstaking efforts, we have scored great achievements that have been recognized worldwide.
have liver tumors that have not responded to chemotherapy or that have recurred after being removed surgically.
Without such convictions, there would have been no cohesion among the people, and we could have accomplished nothing.
Do you have any special skillsYes,I have a good command of secretarial skills.Yes,I can use an abacus fairly well.
Have I collected all the real friends I am likely ever to have? Most important, have I accumulated the right kinds of friends?
I saw abundance of parrots, and fain I would have caught one, if possible to have kept it to be tame, and taught it to speak to me.
Do not underestimate what we have accomplished so far. The best of plans must have a solid foundation before execution can commence.
太阳刚从地平线上升起, 他就起床劳动去了。
Mongols have been sacrificing Aobao from the clan society to today and the academics have different opinions about the origin of Aobao.
Have abandoned the absurdity of the original work and revealed that satirizes meaning, have added a kind of tender feeling for the film.
Academic circles have done some research and discussion of disordered morals and have gained certain achievements in the past ten years.
Are you clear about the capacity of the cinema? Have a capacity for doing something Have a capacity to do Ability Have ability to do sth
承受量, 做某事的能力
Are you clear about the capacity of the cinema? Have a capacity for doing something Have a capacity to do Ability Have ability to do sth.
As American attitudes toward minorities and toward ethnic differences have changed in recent years, the long-reviled Chinese have gained wide acceptance.
Cream drench the make water when be micturition gives the Gan that be like rice, or have satiny the content that is like fat, urethral have acerbity painful
It does not have to have the same features, only some sort of sound, flashing lights, and movement.Needs to have lights, movement, sounds etc. Be appealing to kids.
Since the implementation of the policy of the co-construction of the army and the people, the army and the people have helped each other and have made a lot of achievements.
OMG! 3 years worth of pictures and documents have disappeared. I might have deleted them by accident. I knew I should have backed them up! Any way to recover my files? Help!
Encourage everyone to have your dream and than your career.taanslate into english is those who have aspired can achieve dream, and who begin an undertasking will change his life.
立志成就梦想, 创业改变人生。
Here comes today with special pride in all the achievements you have made. May your dearest wishes through all the years in store come true, and make you happier than you have ever been before.
愿你宿愿得偿, 快乐幸福更胜以往。

单词 have 释义

  • 单词释义:vt.有,持有,拿,从事(某事) aux.已经  [更多..]



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