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单词 hammer 例句大全,用单词hammer造句:

Amusing myself at the tool bench the basement, I whacked my finger with a hammer.
我在地下室的工具凳上玩的时候, 锤子砸着了我的手指头。
Installation and Commissioning of Reversible Hammer Crushers and Their Accessories
Launching a javelin, shot put, hammer or discus to achieve maximum flight distance.
用手将标枪, 铅球, 链球或铁饼掷出, 以达到最大飞行距离。
Kelley, Robin. Hammer and Hoe Alabama Communists During the Great Depression. 1990.
Optimization for parameters of vibration isolator for anvil block of forcing hammer
Brilliance is accomplished by applying small amounts of lacquer to the hammer's felt.
Proximal interphalangeal arthroplasty for the treatment of rigid hammer toe deformity
Anamorphosis of hammer, from patina and shape, its in late Ming and early Qing dynasty
锤的变体, 从包浆和型制看为明末清初
The design of training modules crafts programmes analysed comparison, a hammer, Muduan.
本设计对锻模工艺方案进行了分析比较后, 采用锤上模锻。
Selection of the fully hudraulic die forging hammer and reasonable equipment arrangement
The Research of Preventing Hammer Sinking about Suspending Hammer Winch in Piling Barge.
Twinsea not only process hydraulic hose assembly, but also develops hammer pipe assembly.
双海公司不仅生产液压软管总成, 而且还生产硬管总成。
Hammer hardness is something that could be adjusted in the maintenance of an actual piano.
Industry Assembly type pneumatic tools Pneumatic shovel, hammer Sander Angle grinder Hammer.
In hammer forging, the component is shaped by hammer blows aided by relatively simple tools.
Beat doorcase to should be knocked gently with model hammer, must not be knocked with hammer.
敲打门框要用塑锤轻轻地敲, 切不可用铁锤去敲。
They adorn it with silver and gold they fasten it with hammer and nails so it will not totter.
他们用金银妆饰他, 用钉子和锤子钉稳, 使他不动摇。
The leaders of the various middle eastern countries are trying to hammer out a peace agreement.
Study on Optimizing Vibration Parameters of the Damping Device under Anvil Block of Forging Hammer
To shut it off you have to hit the little artificial moles with a hammer as they pop up at random.
Preparation and Performance index of the quick drying alkyd textured hammer tone paint are introduced.
Actual Measuring for Support Dynamic Stiffness of Bearing Pedestal of Turbogenerator Using Hammer Pulse Method
The taxes on the amount, if all of it were reported, could make the down payment on a hammer for the Pentagon.
airconditioning pumps soft Kai, soft stop to overcome the shutdown at the time of the original water hammer phenomenon.
The plastic pipe of ageing is in shake action of hammer of concussion, water hydraulicly to issue easy generation blowout.

单词 hammer 释义

  • 单词释义:铁锤,榔头;链球;(拍卖时用的)木槌;音槌  [更多..]



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