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单词 handful 例句大全,用单词handful造句:

Cultivation of coca bush and opium poppy has been limited to a handful of countries.
My high school had only a tiny handful of classmates with Asian surnames or heritage.
In June, the Guardian published a handful of readers'letters advocating free downloads.
However, the app also assumes there are only a handful of directions to the destination.
但是地图软件假设 到达目的地只有那几种途径
Better in silk to shroud your petals fair, With a handful of clean earth as your attire.
Real estate has been priced out of the market and only a handful of people can afford it.
There are a handful of reasons why people with chronic pain should not be world travelers.
Air India is one of only a handful of large airlines without a big domestic feeder airline.
They didn't want a handful of designers owning the seminal building blocks of our clothing.
他们不想让少数的设计师 拥有我们的服饰的开创性积木
Britain is now among a handful of island nations without any maritime surveillance aircraft.
Immersed in translation for half of their lifetime, those worked even for a handful of cash.
人家浸淫半生, 为的都是那一把铜钱。
Better one handful with tranquillity than two handfuls with toil and chasing after the wind.
Therefore, chewing on a biscuit than a handful of dried fruit or other sweets are much better.
因此, 嚼上一把干果比一把饼干或其它甜食要好得多。
The Dutch fleet, frozen in the Texel, surrendered a handful of cavalry without firing its guns.
A handful of savings and loan associations in the state are also known to be skating on thin ice.
She rubbed her fingers through the dirt, and grabbed a handful of grass to wipe between her legs.
In the battle, the handful of soldiers fought bravely against the enemies and died heroic deaths.
In the beginning there were a handful of restaurants and bars similar to what we have in our group.
起初, 这里只有几家类似于我们集团里的那种餐厅和酒吧。
It takes a microscope to make a handful of carrot seeds look like a swarm of bristling space invaders.
The cluster contains thousands of stars, of which only a handful are commonly visible to the unaided eye.
On the pavement outside, there are a handful of basketball hoops and a set of rusty metal parallel bars.
The reason is that a handful of diehards are behaving unscrupulously to the detriment of the national interest.
察其原因, 不外有少数顽固分子, 不顾民族国家利益, 恣意妄为。
But the bidders also included a handful of billionaires from Silicon Valley, where wine collecting has become a passion.
Bristol-Myers Squibb injected a handful of healthy volunteers with a compound that their lab studies indicated should inhibit the gamma-secretase enzyme.
International Women's Day was first honoured one hundred years ago in a handful of European countries. Since then, the celebration has become global, and much has been achieved.

单词 handful 释义

  • 单词释义:少数,少量;一把(的量);难以控制的人(或动物);棘手事  [更多..]



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