A concise and uptodate reference, Handbook of Immune Response Genes does just that.
or SOP, written up in an employee handbook for her job and for the front counter.
Dominik Salvatore. National Trade Policies Handbook of Comparative Economic Policies.
In addition to whats highlighted in the company handbook, what are the unwritten rules
除了公司手册中的要点之外, 还有哪些潜规则?
The order form headquarter sends out an once, arranges a handbook to repeat once more.
订单部发一次, 安排手册再转发一次。
A Handbook of Chinese Idiomatic and Colloquial Expressions with English Equivalents II.
In addition to the adult chapters, the handbook includes an extensive paediatric section.
除成年人得章之外, 手册包括一个广大得儿科学得部分。
Comprehensive Handbook of Personality and Psychopathology, Volume 2, Adult Psychopathology.
人格与精神病理学完全手册, 第2卷, 成人精神病理学。
Comprehensive Handbook of Personality and Psychopathology, Volume 3, Child Psychopathology.
人格与精神病理学完全手册, 第3卷, 儿童精神病理学。
Can be correct, accurate, effectively to processes the trade handbook the tube to control.
Butt, John, edited. The Sacred Choral Music of J. S. Bach A Handbook. Brewster Paraclete, 1997.
Give first place to the factory for easy to manage , the handbook being arranged for and mixing.
为了便于管理, 手册安排及调配以工厂为主。
And theres a feedback button to tell us what we might have wrong or how to improve the handbook.
Drugs during pregnancy and lactation Handbook of prescriptive drugs and comparative risk assessment
Secondary uranium minerals are illustrated in a Bureau of Minerial Resources prospector's handbook.
The Internet Handbook for Canadian Lawyers, 3rd Edition M. Drew Jackson, Timothy L. Taylor Carswell
The Handbook identifies the elements of a comprehensive system approach to manufacturing safe products.
Every employee has a card, with bar codes or scan at a handbook which has a bar code number in the work.
Carry out the different tests in the quality handbook and fill out the corresponding reports appropriately.
执行在质量手册中不同的检测, 并正确填写相应的报告
This essay is excerpted from Media Law Handbook, published by the Bureau of International Information Programs.
The possibilities for environmental projects are too numerous to cover adequately in the context of this handbook.
The duties and responsibilities of all EC departments shall be given in detail in the Executive Committee Handbook.
In case of any violation, I agree to accept and be bound by applicable penalties as specified in the TSMC Employee handbook.
如有违反行为, 本人同意接受员工手册相关规定之惩处。
The duties and responsibilities of all PRA departments shall be given in detail in the parent's representative Association handbook.
The Committee commends the Government on the publication and dissemination of a handbook explaining the provisions of the Convention.