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单词 helium 例句大全,用单词helium造句:

An experimental study of helium injection with an aerodynamic ramp injector in supersonic flow
Being both lighter than air and nonflammable, helium is used to inflate balloons and airships.
Thousands of cubic metres of helium were pumped into the towering silver canopy of his balloon.
Most of commercial helium is recovered from natural gas through a cryogenic separation process.
Two new methods using metastable helium atomic beam to fabricate nano structures are introduced.
To take place. In this reaction, three helium nuclei will fuse together to form a carbon nucleus.
为止, 即把三颗氦原子核结合为一颗碳原子核。
Hydrogen to helium conversion provides the prime source of energy for stars on the main sequence.
To assign more than three degrees of freedom to a helium atom would lead to incorrect predictions.
This above image is the U. S. Bureau of Land Managements Crude Helium Enrichment Facility in Texas.
Open the reducing valve of helium steel cylinder and the monoblock pump of the molecular pump group.
Extremely cold cryogens such as hydrogen and helium can even freeze or solidify the surrounding air.
The Error Analysis of Usual Integrating Leak Detection of Helium Mass Spectrometer at Normal Atmosphere
Research of Helium Mass Spectrometer Leak Detection Technology on Sealed Adaptation of the Optical Fiber
A Report of 32 Cases of Intractable Angina Pectoris Treated by Mai Luo Ning Combined with Helium Neon Laser
In addition, safety shoes are recommended for those involved with the handling of liquid helium containers.
另外, 向与操作液氦容器有关的人员推荐使用安全鞋。
Alpha particles helium nuclei were being hurled through the tube, in which an artificial mist had been created.
粒子氦核正通过试管被抛出, 从而在试管中形成人造迷雾。
Influence of the second sound and diffusive process on the transient heat transfer in bath of superfluid helium
Helium can provide a protective atmosphere in the production of reactive metals, such as titanium and zirconium.
Combining the helium and hyperoxia slows down the frequency of breathing while making the air easier to breathe.
Inhalation of helium in excessive amounts can cause dizziness, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness and death.
Fire a highspeed proton at a Boron target and the two fuse together to form three helium nuclei and a lot of energy.
Review of Research on Gas Retention Layer Material for Stratospheric Airship Envelope and Helium Permeation in Polymers
Effect of helium and neon laser intravascular irradiation to celebral cysticercosis cases after antiparasitic treatment
Helium is used for arc welding and leak detection, mostly, although NASA uses it to pressurize space shuttle fuel tanks.
第一代恒星是由氢, 氦及少量的锂构成。
The output of light and heat of the Sun requires that some 600 million tons of hydrogen be converted into helium in the Sun every second.

单词 helium 释义

  • 单词释义:n.氦(化学元素,符号为He)  [更多..]



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