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单词 hector 例句大全,用单词hector造句:

The faithful wife of Hector, captured the Greeks at the fall of Troy.
赫克托耳忠贞得妻子, 在特洛伊沦陷时被俘。
Hector and Paris are in a great hall with King Priam and his counsel.
Chinanews, meet after entering the righteousness, not even to Hector.
后入关迎桂阳公义真, 没于赫连勃勃。
Hector No, apart from forcing the back door to get into the apartment.
赫克特没有, 除了撞开后门走进套房里。
Hector And what of your mission To purify this land and remove the curse
赫而你的任务, 是驱除诅咒, 净化大地
They meet King Priam and Hector talks to Priam about what Paris has done.
Why don't you go work with Chloe and pin down a location on Hector Salazar?
He thinks hell deliver him to Hector and stop the virus from being released.
Why did Achilles and Hector hew each other up with vast blows of their lances
Hector Ruiz's son Diego is currently in the paediatrics ward at the hospital.
Hector Ruiz 's son Diego is currently in the paediatrics ward at the hospital.
He killed Hector and dragged his dead body three times around the walls of Troy.
他杀死了海克特, 拖着尸体绕特洛伊城跑了三圈。
Hector gives Paris some advice of letting Menelaus swing because he will tire out.
在把赫克托尔的尸体交换前, 他对着尸体流下了眼泪。
Hector Okay, but does that mean I have to allow him to insult me under my own roof
好了, 但是我就这样让他在我的家里侮辱我吗?
Andromache The faithful wife of Hector, captured by the Greeks at the fall of Troy.
安德洛玛刻赫克托耳忠贞的妻子, 在特洛伊沦陷时被俘。
Hector It is. I was told a hidden chamber lies beneath this castle. Isaac is there now.
赫是。我被告知城堡顶层有个秘室, 阿萨克在那儿。
Menelaus puts his sword to his neck and swings, but Paris moves and crawls back to Hector.
这时, 观众将看到帕里斯将箭射向靶心的镜头。
Chinese jujube seriously damaged by Conopia hector butler found in Dapu, Guangdong province
Hector, I am sweating in a pickup, and my buzz is wearing off. You do not wanna tangle with me.
赫克多,我在这小卡车里汗流浃背 声嘶力竭,你别跟我对着干。
Luigi Di Biagio, frozen out of the Inter squad by coach Hector Cuper, is the subject of interest from Brescia.

单词 hector 释义

  • 单词释义:n.虚张声势的人,恃强凌弱的人v.威吓  [更多..]



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