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单词 halves 例句大全,用单词halves造句:

the intermission between halves in certain games,such as basketball or football
Without a word he ripped the report across and threw the halves into the basket.
All that you do, do with your might, things done by halves are never done right.
做一切事都应尽力而为, 不可半途而废。
Without a word John ripped the report across and threw the halves into the basket.
约翰一句话没说就把报告撕成两半, 扔进了废纸篓。
The desk which the young carpenter made has been broken; he does things by halves.
Whatever you do, Do with your mights, Things done by halves, Are never done right.
All that you do, do with you might, things done by halves are never done right.
All the children went halves in two groups and one group throwed, the other dodged.
Fuse the interfacing to both halves of the under collar, stitch the center back seam.
The longitudinal fissure divides the cerebrum into right and left halves hemispheres.
Washcut large straw mushrooms into halves. Make a cross cut on the stalks of small ones.
Amid a stream of blood and saliva, the two halves of a dental plate fell out of his mouth.
在鲜血和口水中, 他的嘴里掉出来打成两半的一排假牙。
Each supporting Bracket consists of two halves, stressed together by means of tension bars.
Wash and cut large straw mushrooms into halves. Make a cross cut on the stalks of small ones.
草菇洗净, 大粒折切开边, 小粒得在菇脚?一十字。
Mandibular symphysis The union, or point of union, of the two halves of the mandible at the chin.
Stopped at the first motel we passed, an arbitrary choice arbitrary division of the group into halves.
在我们经过的第一个汽车旅馆处停下, 一种随意的选择
A ram blowout preventer consists of two halves of a cover for the well that are split down the middle.
Every year, Yao Ming is difficult to Savior, the Rockets are doing it by halves of the kind of counseling.
The two halves of the crown fit together perfectlyAnd two of the twelve zodiac medallions have fallen out.
Nuclear fission is initiated when the nucleus of a uranium atom is hit by a neutron and split into two halves.
铀原子核被中子撞击后, 会分裂成两份, 产生核裂变。
Balsa wood strips were added between the flap speed brake halves, causing them to remain open at a5 degree angle.
This variation in speed results in different distances being traversed during the upper and lower halves of the cycle.
We continue the same fabrications and applied external force to deform the sample severely, scribing it into two halves.
延用之前的同样制程, 并施以外力把晶圆切成两半。
Marshall has put together a sevenstep program designed to restore loving communication between the two halves of a couple.
The outside and thread of the moulded part are moulded by the halves and the thread inserts, parting by dovetail guide bars.
由于制件尺寸较大, 壁薄腔深, 宜采用一模一腔, 直接浇口进料。

单词 halves 释义

  • 单词释义:一学期,同分数;半( half的名词复数 );一半;(啤酒等饮料的)半品脱;(比赛、音乐会等的)半场  [更多..]



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