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单词 hare 例句大全,用单词hare造句:

The hare shot from its burrow and the hound made after it at top speed.
small Australian wallaby that resembles a hare and has persistent teeth.
The hare branches of the trees formed silhouettes against the Wmter sky.
Nevertheless, many Britons carried hare's feet in their pocket or purse.
Among them most abundant are Talai hare, yellow weasel and rock squirrel.
badly out of the ordeal. as already mentioned, professor hare, scarpe ugg.
严重地由于严酷的考验。因为已经提到, 兔教授。
He looks around, And what's not there? The hare the hare, the arctic hare.
The film adaptation was written by David Hare and directed by Stephen Daldry.
You must look for it, do not pass hare acute communicable diseases to me here.
the Lark asked after she thought over what the hare said for a while and asked.
Screening of Antimitotic Portions from Sea Hare Using Conidia of Pyricularia Oryzae
This much, said Little Nutbrown Hare, stretching out his arms as wide as they could go.
Applied study on excision vermiform appendix of hare replaced partial excision caecum of dog
Powered adjust walking and hare electromagnetism safe clutch operation is safety trustworthy.
Hare says when a population selects against aggression, they can be considered to be domesticated.
哈尔说, 当面临人口侵略是, 他们可以被认为是驯化。
Suddenly, a blind hare dashed itself headlong against the stump of a dead tree in his field and died.
afterwards emulate the rapidity of a running hare, and it will be too late for the enemy to oppose you.
后如脱兔, 敌不及拒。
The Dormouse was still asleep, and the Hatter and the March Hare were trying to put it into the teapot.
When the hare awoke, he saw the tortoise hed already gotten the finish line. The tortoise wae the winner!
The effects of mischmetal addition on the microstructure in centrifugal casting lead bronze hare been studied.
Two greyhounds, in running down the same hare, have sometimes the appearance of acting in some sort of concert.
The scarab beetle reassured him, and upon the eagles approach the beetle beseeched her not to carry off the hare.
正说话时, 鹰追逐而至, 屎壳郎便恳求她别把兔子抓走。
Primary study on comprehensive prevention and control methods for hare damage in newly planted afforestation sites
We could see it was carrying something beneath it and my wife, who had binoculars, thought it was a white mountain hare.
我妻子拿着双筒望远镜, 她猜想应该是一只雪兔。
Can arrive the autumn, overcast and rainy is continuous, hare acute communicable diseases is eruptive, avoid one flatcar to death one flatcar falls outside.

单词 hare 释义

  • 单词释义:野兔;怪人,傻瓜  [更多..]



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