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单词 hazel 例句大全,用单词hazel造句:

Main compositions Witch hazel, Sage extract, lactic peppermint enzyme, Aloe extract.
主要成份金缕梅, 鼠尾草精华, 乳酸薄荷酶, 芦荟提取液。
A mix of maroons and peach, tangerine and coral are introduced by a goldgreen hazel.
A mix of maroons and peach, tangerine and coral are introduced by a goldgreen hazel.
Hazel Oh, yeah. You know you couldve just kept it. And I wouldve forgotten I had it.
Hazel takes the car keys from a hook behind the kitchen door, and goes to the garage.
Black appearance, the aroma, brittle hazel crisp flavors, aftertaste letting a person.
Main Compositions lacticpeppermint, lavendar essence, witch hazel, modified allantois.
主要成份乳酸薄荷脂, 熏衣草精华, 金缕梅, 改性尿囊。
He turned his full, hazel, slightly prominent eyes on her in a look of pure detachment.
Main compositions Witch hazel, bear gallbladders, aloe extract, gastrodia elata extract.
主要成份金缕梅精华, 熊胆素, 芦荟提取液, 天麻提取液。
Pour water and witch hazel into a saucepan and bring it to a full boil over medium heat.
向平底锅中加入水和金缕梅, 中火煮至完全沸腾。
Genus of fossil plants having wood identical with or similar to that of the witch hazel.
Witch hazel,eyebright and aloe vera tone and tighten the skin,while rose is rejuvenating.
Witch hazel, eyebright and aloe vera tone and tighten the skin, while rose is rejuvenating.
The Study on Several Physiological and Biochemical Indexes about the Seeding Vigor of Hazel
The desks were littered with catkins, hazel and willow, which the pupils had been sketching.
学生的课桌上散乱地放着正在临摹的柔美花, 榛子和扬柳。
Julia Roberts goes from Pretty Woman to supermum, as she gives birth to twins, Hazel and Phi.
月, 好莱坞巨星朱丽亚罗伯茨产下一对龙凤胎。
Follow with a toner on a cotton pad such as organic witch hazel to clean off the remaining clay.
用化妆棉蘸上调肤水, 比如有机金屡梅, 来清除残留的泥巴。
Hazel Blears was the second senior minister in the space of 24 hours to announce she was leaving.
Gently astringent witch hazel to help refine the skin and tighten pores for a more even skin tone
Pollen captures on hornbeam and field maple appeared to be higher than those on dogwood and hazel.
When they came to the hazel grove, Connie suddenly ran forward, and opened the gate into the park.
The hazel has been covered with the mountainside, its fruit fried ripely fragrant has also been crisp.
The writer is Hazel professor and director of the Center for Global Policy at George Mason University.
ObjectiveTo observe the effects of Hazel s flower on decreasing blood sugar and clarify its mechanisms.
It was one of several woods used to make golf clubs including ash, greenheart, apple and hazel wood.

单词 hazel 释义

  • 单词释义:[植]榛;榛树;榛木;淡褐色  [更多..]



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