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单词 harsh 例句大全,用单词harsh造句:

The uncertainty of the road ahead surely trumped the harsh finality of the present.
At times, so tightly did they draw, the mouth became stern and harsh, even ascetic.
有时那嘴抿得很紧, 便显得严厉, 凶狠!甚至带禁欲主义的苛刻。
The harsh rhetoric had so soured officials that the two sides were barely speaking.
Nevertheless, we should not turn a blind eye to the harsh conditions on the ground.
然而, 我们不应当对当地严峻的状况熟视无睹。
It seemed a bit harsh to be under the cosh and talking about bloody trophies already.
When just one quiet look had had us behaving better than a harsh reprimand or scolding.
Getting angry and using harsh language will only cause trouble to oneself in the long run.
生气并说刻薄话, 最后只会自讨苦吃。
His skin was rough and weather beaten from years of working the land under harsh conditions.
Take yourself out of this cold, harsh world and embark on a transcendental tangram adventure.
Used for applications where the lubricant is subjected to certain harsh chemical environments.
The retort was a harsh one, but it attained its mark with the directness of a point of steel.
The People's Daily, published news of his death two weeks late but avoided any harsh commentary.
Espree Bright White Shampoo whitens and brightens without the use of bleach and harsh chemicals.
Hard a pungent liquor related to greenness, accompanied by a harsh, bitter or rasping quality.
Wholesome ingredients that work without the use of harsh chemicals, artificial color or fragrance.
The tonal chords have now been switched from the harsh and unrelenting vibe to a mellow light accord.
Over the past three months, the arrival of the deyr season was expected to alleviate harsh conditions.
FLASH OF LIGHTNING outside his window sends harsh barred shadows jittering across cell. A storm breaking.
FLASH OF LIGHTNING outside his window sends harsh barred shadows jittering across the cell. A storm breaking.
Also called a yurt, the circular ger can be assembled quickly by nomadic herders making camp in harsh terrain.
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. Robert Heinlein. The moon is a penal colony ruled by an iron fisted administration.
A few years later I took a second look at the first poem, and reluctantly I had to agree with my father's harsh judgment.
To take advantage of when the temperature drops in the fall, geese and ducks gorge on food to prepare for the harsh realities of winter.
他等到秋天天气变冷时 鹅和鸭开始大量进食 为冬天做准备
In the old days she had been harsh and stiff; afraid of her husband and yet arrogantly proud that she had a husband strong and fierce enough to make her afraid.
Alkali treatment is the antithesis of enzyme digestion, for it is harsh rather than gentle, nonselective rather than specific, and cheap rather than expensive.

单词 harsh 释义

  • 单词释义:粗糙的;刺耳的;严厉的,严格的;残酷的  [更多..]



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