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单词 harold 例句大全,用单词harold造句:

But I also know that it just so happens to be true.And so it was A wristwatch saved Harold Crick.
我知道这听起来很怪, 但我知道这是真的一只手表救了哈洛。
Taking this advantage, we won the battle. Harold himself was killed, pierced through the eye arrow.
利用这个优势, 我们赢了。哈罗德被箭射穿了眼睛, 死了。
Sigmund Freuds joketheory provides a useful key to Harold Pinters early plays, especiallyThe Dumb Waiter.
Harold Tinker has noticed something in his 39 years as a teacher at The Choate School in Wallingford, Conn.

单词 harold 释义



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