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单词 foreword 例句大全,用单词foreword造句:

Mr Mandela has neither read the book nor written a foreword for it.
Besides foreword and conclusion, the paper is composed of six parts.
Except the foreword and tag , this paper is composed of three parts.
除前言和结语外, 文章主要由三部分构成。
The thesis consists of the foreword, the main text and the epilogue.
The article includes foreword, conclusion and tests of four chapters.
The full text divides into three parts Foreword, text and conclusion.
全文分为三个部分引言, 正文和结束语。
Foreword The love story about two hedgehogs eventually happened to us.
Excepts of the foreword and conclusion, this paper includes three parts.
除引言和结论外, 本文共分为三部分。
The dissertation consists of five chapters, foreword and appendix as well.
全文共分五章, 外加前言和附录两个部分。
In foreword the background of topic selection of this thesis is described.
Four months later, Yi replied that he would be glad to write the foreword.
The text is divided into three chapters apart from foreword and conclusion.
This text divides into four parts together besides foreword and conclusion.
The catalogue contains a foreword by Christophe Mao and essay by Feng Boyi.
The foreword tells about the definition and origin of the corporate culture.
Aldous Huxley has laid me under a debt of gratitude by writing the Foreword.
奥尔德斯赫胥黎先生撰写前言部分, 我对此表示衷心感谢。
Besides the foreword and epilogue, this paper will be consists of four parts.
除前言和结语外, 正文由四个部分组成。
Is political life orderly with the result that what differs without foreword?
This thesis is into four parts altogether besides the foreword the conclusion.
本文除引言, 结论外, 共分为四个部分。
the foreword for the general lighting, it is more white light sources required.
为一般照明前言, 更需要白色的光源。
What do political orderly and have without the cost of foreword and consequence?
The dissertation consists of three parts, which are Foreword, Text and Epilogue.
全文共分前言, 正文和结语三部分。
Professor Zim, in his foreword to the Milton Papers, praises the book's boldness.
This article is divided the foreword, the main text three chapters and conclusion.
本文分前言, 正文三章及结语三部分。
Foreword milling drill to expand already and gradually, but it is not allpowerful.
前言磨钻已经逐渐推广, 但它不是万能的。

单词 foreword 释义



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