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单词 foggy 例句大全,用单词foggy造句:

atmosphere was foggy with them but somehow they never came my way.
有雾的气氛与他们, 但他们却没有来我的方式。
With the love of chivalry, you will leave the foggy forest behind.
带着骑士精神的爱, 会带你走出迷雾森林。
I cannot guarantee the punctual arrival of trains in foggy weather.
Motorists should slow down and take extra care in foggy conditions.
We cannot guarantee the punctual arrival of trains in foggy weather.
We can not guarantee the punctual arrival of trains in foggy weather.
The light of dawn made his huge bedroom as misty as a foggy meadowland.
It says its foggy and sometimes it will be overcast with drizzle today.
它说今天有雾, 时有阴雨。
It was foggy this morning, and we couldn't see clearly five meters ahead.
On that foggy afternoon, before we said goodbye, she wanted to correct me.
在那个多雾的下午, 在我们道别之前, 她想要纠正我。
We can guarantee the punctual arrival of the armoured cars in foggy weather.
down on a foggy lake and children of darkness will gather in the old castle.
She looked out of the window. Dark clouds were moving; it was becoming foggy.
Even when the cold winds blow and the world seems to be covered in foggy shadows.
I dropped it the other day, and my visions have been foggy and unclear ever since.
The Sunflower is in the Foggy, not Clearly. The Melting Medcine. The Jumping Ladle.
I compare Moores Law to driving down the road on a foggy night, how far can you see
我把莫尔法则比作浓雾夜晚驾车出行, 你能看到多远呢?
Squinting, she aimed her smoke rings so that they encircled the sun like foggy auras.
她斜视地看着烟圈, 使太阳蒙上了雾晕。
It was foggy the mountain but the climbers threw caution to theand set offthe summit.
山上雾很大, 但是登山者们不顾一切地向顶峰进发。
The early mornings were foggy and chilling now, and the first rains of winter had begun.
Study on the Way of Sending Clean Air to Bobbin Yarn to Eliminate the Foggy Yarn in Spinning Department
Foggy condition was favorable for occurrence of acid rainfall due a stable stratification and moist air.
At the turn of winter, it is mostly foggy weather with the peaks often shrouded in swirling mist and cloud.
冬春之交, 则多云雾, 千山万壑间云涌雾漫, 茫茫一片。
Measurement Method of the Dynamic Characteristic of Temperature Probes under the Rainy and Foggy Environment
even when the cold winds blow and the world seems to be covered in foggy shadows, the goodness of life lives on.

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