In prehistoric times, people used flint to flay the animals they killed.
在史前时期, 人们常常用燧石将他们打死的动物剥皮。
Before you have Vampiric Touch, open up with Mind Blast and use Mind Flay more instead.
在学习吸血鬼之触以前, 用心爆开怪, 多刷几次鞭笞。
Misery doesnt increase the damage of your Mind Blast Mind Flay Mind Sear spells anymore.
One less Smite or Mind Flay cast per mob adds up to a lot of mana saved across a few levels.
I will flay the skin from your flesh and the flesh from your bones and scrape your bones dry.
我要剥了你的皮, 卸下你的肉, 然后再把你骨头刮乾。
As soon as I have leisure Ill flay you alive and then settle accounts with that young reprobate.
Will immerse with Wen Shui after Gan Gongzao is abluent, pignut is boiled slightly, flay reserves.
将干红枣洗净后用温水浸泡, 花生米略煮, 去皮备用。
Studies the Yuan Dynasty Play from Baogong Flay to the Involved Legal Matter Literature Development.
After banana flay pound, roller oily agitate of Lan of half spoon Han bars even, besmear is on the face.
香蕉去皮捣烂后, 辊半匙撖榄油搅拦均匀, 涂在脸上。
A small flay, attached to this body, intercepts a beam of light coming from a source and directed to a photocell.
The Freedom of Expression Under the Constitutional and Political SpiritTaking the Example of the Case of Burning National Flay.
Chestnut flay is pounded for delicate last stage, with honey smooth besmear face, can make face bright and clean, furrow is extended.
栗子去皮捣为细末, 以蜂蜜调匀涂面, 能使脸面光洁, 皱纹舒展。