Effects of Food Resource in Aquatic Environment on Food Habits of Rana chaochiaoensis Tadpoles
This food is the annual Dragon Boat Festival and the summer solstice in the two food festivals.
The supervision code of food supplying companies for aviation food enterprise at frontier ports
Cassia seed, the leguminous plant, is the food material which can be used as medicine and food.
豆科植物决明子, 是药食两用的食品原料。
Guangdong food a bit light, while Sichuan food a strongandhot taste, and Shanghai food is oily.
广东菜稍微清淡, 四川菜味浓而辣, 上海菜油腻。
All kitchen food preparations and assists with food presentation as part of the kitchen brigade.
Poison food This reduces the amount of food stores a town or castle has for waiting out a siege.
Prepare raw food and cooked food separately, using separate knives and chopping boards for each.
Therefore, the jelly should be suit as a health food carrier for antioxidative aquatic plant food.
National federation of the German import trade in canned food, frozen food, dried fruits and spices
A little be that the five cereals, subsidiary food are vegetable, additional staple food creophagism.
Shanghai food is oily and sweet,Sichuan food is strong and hot,and Guangdong food is light and fresh.
Avoids deepfry as far as possible kind food and sweetmeat, avoid eats to be mixed tartly excitant food.
The Food Bureau set up food policy, purchased foodstuffs, levied land taxes and oversaw food production.
The reporter returns discovery, abstain food to be mostly pack food beforehand, and without any label.
Had ample food for the party copious provisions food is plentiful a plenteous grape harvest a rich supply.
On campus residences tend to be expensive and often have compulsory food plans for horrible cafeteria food.
学校里的宿舍通常很贵, 最烦的是还有食堂强制性食品。
The cilia and the mucous cells play important roles in choosing food particles and delivering food to the mouth.
The masses regard food as their heaven, the safety of edible oil is already affecting food industry's credibility.
Report a king up, this vegetarian food that is to resist the vegetables that the food architecture stirs, all such.
For if you eat living food, the same will quicken you, but if you kill your food, the dead food will kill you also.
因为如果你们吃活的食物, 你们也会加快成为同样的食物。
Any breakdown in the food distribution system could mean the majority of the population will suffer shortages of basic food supplies.
The United States Food and daily necessities are not expensive, the food safety is enjoy great popularity among the people of the United States of america.
Feed the baby eight treasures rice cereal, should let the baby maintain the seat to set up the posture, guards against food to have food stuck in the throat.
Jenny posts the worst “food porn” ever. I mean seriously, she takes pictures of fast food on her crappy camera phone and posts it on facebook like it’s special or something lol