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单词 forehead 例句大全,用单词forehead造句:

The sweat burst through the skin of his forehead in tiny beads.
Freckles on his forehead make up a miniature of the Great Bear.
Hesiod told how Athena sprang in full armor from Zeuss forehead.
Little drops make a trickle, Beads of sweat stood on his forehead.
This is involved clinch a deal affirmatory problem of the forehead.
Aging quietly climbed the forehead, black hair dye laughing thrush!
悄悄地爬额, 老化的黑色染发剂笑画眉!
Labrum artery is mixed to forehead of labrum, nasal septum nose ala.
And if the hair fall from his forehead, he is bald before and clean.
若人头顶上的头发掉了, 成了前脑秃的人, 他是洁净的。
Ben Great advice mom. Why dont you just tattoo dweeb on her forehead.
The bead is put on the forehead of the dead shepherd ahead of the herd.
The baronet lifted her in his arms, and kissed her once upon the forehead
从男爵伸出两臂搂着她, 把她扶起来, 吻了一下她的前额
Ames was looking away again, and Carrie was again looking at his forehead.
艾姆斯又转眼望去, 嘉莉又看着他的额头。
One Case of Ache on Forehead and Superciliary Arch Treated by Chinese Herbs
Its forehead and cheeks are black and its crown and nape are grayish black.
He sits down at the kitchen table and rests his forehead on his folded arms.
Only his left forehead young black age spots, is not hide the signs of aging.
Because fabaceous beans rose to should do how on endocrine big random forehead
Some of ormosia beans often grows on my forehead, what tweak take out is there
我的额头上老长些红豆豆, 有什么好办法去掉
Still, the Doctor, with shaded forehead, beat his foot nervously on the ground.
医生仍然按住前额, 用脚紧张地敲着地板。
Wrinkles appear upon the forehead when ears are erect, and are fine and profuse.
Her blonde hair flies behind her and perspiration starts to bead on her forehead.
她那一头金发在身后飘逸着, 额头开始出汗。
He was rubbing his forehead and staring angrily at the glass door in front of him.
Wife braved thin beads of sweat on the forehead, the hands were not idle a moment.
I have felt her forehead, no problem. But Edmund Leung said Ah Mui had slight fever.
It will be on Aaron's forehead continually so that they will be acceptable to the Lord.
这牌要常在他的额上, 使他们可以在耶和华面前蒙悦纳。

单词 forehead 释义



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