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单词 forefinger 例句大全,用单词forefinger造句:

Before the formation of a new idea, he would touch his forehead with his forefinger.
If you keep your thumb close to your forefinger, could you use chopsticks and spoons
Coil scotch tape to go up in forefinger needle, can stick paillette easily come down.
将透明胶带卷在食指尖上, 轻松就可把亮片粘下来。
Fixate a small distant object with your eyes and directly at it with your forefinger.
用你的双眼锁定不远处的一个小物件, 用食指指向它。
When using chopsticks, one should place both sticks between the thumb and forefinger.
They laughed, and one of them wagged a forefinger back and forth in a joking rebuttal.
她们也笑了, 有一个还向他们嘲弄地伸出中指摇了摇。
The little child took her ear between her thumb and forefinger and tugged it playfully.
As soon as you are present, gently touch your thumb and forefinger together on each hand.
一旦心无杂念, 开始轻柔地同时抚摸拇指和食指。
Grasp the column between the thumb and forefinger as close to the score point as possible.
用拇指和食指抓住柱, 离划痕处越近越好。
He tightened his grasp upon my hand, and raised a forefinger threateningly before my eyes.
I demonstrated the technique by touching my forefinger to the African sculpture on the mantle.
Flip means toss sth with a sharp movement of the thumb and forefinger so that it turns the air
用拇指和食指捻某物使之在空中翻转, 比如
Spread the fingers as wide as possible and press the base of your forefinger into the yoga mat..
A highest tendon of middle finger and forefinger ruptures, how much should medical expenses want?
And with his right forefinger sprinkle some of the oil from his palm seven times before the LORD.
把左手里的油, 在耶和华面前, 用右手的一个指头弹七次
Every child has played with this type of viscous matter, rubbing it between thumb and forefinger.
The refreshment after the operation that the tendon of ring finger and forefinger ruptures problem?
Because he did not use forefinger to insert anus to me alertly, and those who lick is middle finger.
因为他没有留意到我用食指插入肛门, 而舔的是中指。
He has got three spiral loops on his left hand, which are on his thumb, forefinger and middle finger.
She stooped down, picked the fish up carefully between forefinger and thumb and threw it into the river.
Before my grandfather ever replied to my many questions he would rub the tip of his nose with his forefinger;
Use your forefinger to follow the line on the page. This focuses your vision onto a specific part of the text.
用食指跟随阅读, 这样可以使视线集中在文本上。
The old man pinched their heads off with his thumb and forefinger and ate them chewing up the shells and the tails.
老人用拇指和食指掐去它们的头, 连壳带尾巴嚼着吃下去。
When one holds his forefinger upward and uses his thumb to prop his chin, it shows he has no interest in something.
Rubbing separatedly with thumb or forefinger and middle finger on the above mentioned points for three to six times.

单词 forefinger 释义



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