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单词 flaunt 例句大全,用单词flaunt造句:

Ever since he started working out, he likes a flaunt himself at every opportunity.
Many advertisers like to flaunt personality, regarding creativity as only standard.
doesnt flaunt his newest gadgets, no matter how expensive or cuttingedge they may be.
Flaunt your femininity with sweetedged shades empowered by Advanced Luminous Technology.
show, display, expose, parade, exhibit, flaunt These verbs mean to present something to view.
Arguably, Beijing would like to put India on notice that it could also flaunt a Kashmir card.
If I love you I wont flaunt myself with your high branches , Like the scrambling trumpet creeper
我如果爱你绝不像攀援的凌霄花, 借你的高枝炫耀自己
How can they allow China to flaunt its economic prosperity without dirtying it with some smudges.
他来, 我们欢迎, 但缄口不谈西藏的事情
Second, constrained by the structure logic, does not flaunt unusual and the surprised artistic effects.
二, 不囿于结构逻辑, 标榜反常与惊奇的艺术效果。
I have already seen flaunt of the Olympics gold medal flickering ray of light and five planets a red flag!
The Mighty Magic Spirit was too headstrong to flaunt his superiority But he was Bitterly defeated by Monkey.
巨灵神逞强好胜, 被大圣打得丢盔弃甲。
Rather than hiding their personalization capability under layers of turgid policy-speak, they should flaunt it.
I'm sorry to hear this bad news. So I believe that it is a misfortune for a flaunt wealthy man especially students.
我听到这个坏消息很难过, 我觉得炫富是祸, 尤其对学生而言。
Valencia double male continues to flaunt the prestige, 13 point compound first place, the flower opens does not defeat.
瓦伦西亚双雄则继续逞威, 13分并列榜首, 花开不败。
Old brave condition is pretty good, but he is not marriage, return ego to flaunt do not wish to be manacled by marriage.

单词 flaunt 释义

  • 单词释义:炫耀;轻蔑,蔑视  [更多..]



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