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单词 fleece 例句大全,用单词fleece造句:

If I sell the fleece a good price,I will buy new clothing for my daughter.
A smooth, supple fleece produced entirely from recycled beverage bottles.
If I sell the fleece a good price, I will buy new clothing for my daughter.
Production mainly polar fleece blankets, coral velvet, plush for the fabric.
We also want the fleece to be in the same yarn size as the Interlock fabric.
Wrap the plant in fleece or Hessian and tie the fabric to the plant with string.
Exploration on dyeing and finishing process of superfine polyester knitted fleece
The fleece will bring luck to the owner of the doorstep where the fleece is laid.
Optimization of Hydrolysis of Waste Fleece with HCL of Acid Hydrolysis Waste Pleece
DIGITAL FLASH Create interest on fleece sets with blocky panels of electric prints.
He also insisted United would not fleece fans despite the demand for season tickets.
white sheep originating in Spain and producing a heavy fleece of exceptional quality.
原产于西班牙的白色绵羊, 出产高质量的厚毛。
The Cover is made of a soft, breathable fleece fabric that is water and wind resistant.
The paper introduces the features and classification of fleece fabrics or napped fabrics.
Swindlers Have Stepped Up Bid to Fleece Web Advertisers Through Click Fraud, a Report Says.
Including polyester face fabric, waterproof layer of waterproof fabrics and knitted fleece.
Swindlers Have Stepped Up Bid to Fleece Web Advertisers Through Click Fraud , a Report Says.
骗子们通过点击欺诈, 开价诈取网络广告商。
Porduct Textile, polar fleece blanket, antipilling blanket, camping blanket, beach bed, etc.
主营产品纺织品, 双面绒化纤毯, 野营毯, 沙滩床等。
Reseach of colouring of fleece in acid dyes with neodymium chloride under microwave radiation
This paper discusses the estimation of the cutting loss in manufacturing Polar fleece fabric.
Objective To investigate the hemostatic effect of gelatin fleece on different traumatic bleeding.
And God did so that night for it was dry upon the fleece only, and there was dew on all the ground.
这夜神也如此行, 独羊毛上是乾的, 别的地方都有露水。
Many of the 2 leg Fido Fleece dog coats also have matching collars, leashes and dog bed available.
cuticle cutis jacket dermis leather slough epidermis scarfskin corium shagreen fleece pelt derma fur hide fell
皮肤, 表皮, 毛皮, 脱皮
The defects of the fleece yarn were decreased and the effect of fleece was ensured by the optimum spinning processing.
优化后的纺纱工艺保证了起绒纱纱疵少, 起绒效果好。

单词 fleece 释义

  • 单词释义:羊毛;一只羊一次剪下的毛;羊毛状织物;绒头织物  [更多..]



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