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单词 forced 例句大全,用单词forced造句:

During forced impregnation a reactive polymer, e. g. , silicone rubber, replaces the acetone.
在该步骤中, 活性聚合物, 如硅胶等将替换出丙酮。
Displaced communities are forced to move out when their homestead is acquired by the project.
在其家宅被有关项目买下时, 流离失所的群体被迫迁出。
Because the future was uncertain, he was forced to behave as if he hadnt a acre in the would.
由于前程难以预料, 他只得装成无忧无虑的样子。
This month, a woman in Lijin, Shandong, died during a forced abortion on her sevenmonth foetus.
就在本月, 山东利津一名女子死于强制堕胎。
except that the civil aircraft was the subject of a forced auction sale in accordance with law.
The cost of materials rose sharply last year. Accordingly, we were forced to increase our prices.
Predictive Importance of Forced Vital Capacity to Susceptive Population of Acute Mountain Sickness
It was a poor consolation that France had been forced to admit its own bankruptcy in the same year.
His family is forced to abandon their home in Kiev and move to the coast in the east of the country.
Both companies were ordered to restructure or be forced into bankruptcy by the Obama administration.
She addressed the issues of domestic workers, child labour and forced labour in the informal economy.
Administration officials say privately that Mr. Reagan is determined not to be forced out of Lebanon.
The tortoise is dark sigh impolitic, be forced to abandon turtle shell, one pace ground climbed score.
乌龟暗叹失策, 只好舍弃龟壳, 一步一步地爬到了终点线。
In December, Tule and the Jin army fought at Dengzhou and was forced to abandon Dengzhou to move northwards.
The metal swarf is stripped from the drum by adjustable scrapers and forced off the end of a discharge chute.
The southern states were defeated in the Civil War and were forced to abolish slavery and set the slaves free.
A. The landlord forced the farm hands to work hard. B. The farm hands were forced to work hard by the landlord.
The law forbids the practice of coercion or forced and violent pregnancy, as well as abortion and sterilization.
This forced the inorganic blood curse to have the opportunity to develop and, ultimately, assimilation absorption.
Experimental Study of Forced Settlement Rectification Through Stress Additional Method in Collapsible Loess Regions
Desert, abdicate, relinquish, quit, forsake The bad weather forced the campers to abandon their tent on the mountain.
Experimental Study on Forced Settlement Rectification Through Method of Adjusting Stiffness of Subsoil Body in Collapsible Loess Region
However, the positive forced aeration could accelerate the moisture content reduction and the organic matter degradation of mixtures of sewage sludge and amendment.
Forced to leave Germany when the Nazis came to power, Einstein accepted an appointment at the new Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J., a scholarly retreat largely created around him.
Violence against women, including imposition of a coercive birth limitation policy that resulted in instances of forced abortion and forced sterilization, continued to be a problem, as did prostitution.
针对妇女的暴力行为, 淫仍然是继续存在的问题。

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