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单词 forcibly 例句大全,用单词forcibly造句:

A few days later, uniformed and civilian police forcibly entered the house where they were staying.
This resulted in the scarf being forcibly removed from her neck and carried into the tunnel by the train.
And just as you have a right to lust, that person has a right not to be made forcibly aware of your desire.
就像你有欲望的权利, 其他人也有拒绝被你欲望的权利。
And the person with amiss heart is likely the because of the heart and vessels forcibly dilate produces risk.
Where the person concerned fails to carry it out within the time limit, the marshal shall execute it forcibly.
Third, we have adhered to the principle of voluntary participation farmers, absolutely refrain from forcibly assessed.
第三, 坚持了农民自愿参加的原则, 绝对不搞强行摊派。
Have a headache to often contain a fluctuation, abrupt change reachs the position forcibly, with the head accentuation.
Most of these children were forcibly recruited because of social and cultural pressures or were simply abducted outright.
Illegal growing of opium poppy, marijuana, or other kinds of plants from which drugs are extracted is to be forcibly eliminated.
Lacy crochet hook is put on the bed, sit down forcibly, crochet hook pricks the side outside entering ham, receive an injection 4 centimeters deep.
花边钩针放在床上, 用力坐下, 钩针刺入大腿外侧, 进针4厘米深。

单词 forcibly 释义

  • 单词释义:强迫地;强制地;强有力地;有说服力地  [更多..]



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