The forming princinciple of spacial geared cam curved surface with drum roller follower
Aspiring to be a follower of the ascetic Sankara, he cherished a great hatred for women.
他热心于成为苦行者商羯罗的追随者, 对妇女抱着极大憎恨。
In this arrangement, the cam lobes push against round metal cylinders called cam follower.
在这种布置中, 凸轮凸角推动凸轮挺杆。
a follower riding on the cam will move away from or toward the camshaft as the cam rotates.
Once a type of cam and follower pair has been selected, the follower motion must be chosen.
The design of the contour surface of the conical cam with translating conical roller follower
A Study of Teaching Material Composing of Digital Photogrammetry for Nonprofessional Follower
Contour design of plate cam with an offset translating follower of zero degreed pressure angle
The magazine assembly includes a canister, a door structure, a feed pawl and a follower structure.
This follower of Confucianism,who believed in conduct more than in knowledge,was living in Szechuen.
The analytical method of kinetic characteristics of cam mechanism of swinging follower with fixed cam
The Instantaneous Velocity Center Method for the Design of Plate Cam with Translating Roller Follower
A new technique in the mechanism designation of the concave circular arc translating follower disk cam
The analytical calculating method of pulling track pressure angle of cammechanism with partial follower
It becomes a mean by which the follower of the Esoteric Buddhism can achieve selfpurification of his nature.
它成为一种意思, 通过它密教信徒能够达到自我天性的净化。
Minimum dimension design of disc cam mechanism with upright installed concave arc bottomed translating follower
A follower of the bandit landlord Ko Tsengchiang, he kidnaped people for ransom, stole goods and plundered land.
May the Blessed One remember me as a lay follower who has gone to him for refuge, from this day forward, for life.
Discussion on the Methods of Calculating the Pressure Angle of a Cam with Oscillating Follower Offset from the Axis
The analytic design of the spatial barrelcam with oscillation and conical roller follower based on the envelop theory
Optimum Design of Disk Cam Mechanisms with Rectiliner Translation Roller Follower for Maximum Efficiency of Lift Travel
Oversize of the coupler yoke end face and the follower, control of the follower and the detachment of the follower seat
The profile design of arc surfaced indoxing cam mechanism with drum shaped roller follower based on enveloping principle
To Solve Radius of Curvature on the Cam Profile with Translating Follower by Means of Substitute Equivalent Linkage Instead of Higher Pair
To be the pioneer, not the follower, to be inventor, not the towermanis our belief which is driving us continuously to surmount and go forward.
做创造者, 不做守望者。一直激励着我们前进, 超越。