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单词 folder 例句大全,用单词folder造句:

Additional log files in the running storage group log folder will not be replayed.
Beneath the yellow folder you'll find your latest rejection slip from the archives.
Feel bad boy, put his bowl of fish bowl folder to the mothers, mothers eating fish.
男孩心疼, 就把自己碗里的鱼夹到母亲碗里, 请母亲吃鱼。
Backfill requests that relate to the public folder hierarchy will still be fulfilled.
Navigate to the desired folder, and select the artifact that you would like to link to.
Add a folder comment to help you and everyone else keep track of what is in this folder.
The actual folder tree demonstrated is available for download at the end of this article.
You are about to use your HyperText Template editor to edit the appearance of the folder.
Each file and folder is represented by what is known in the specification as an Artifact.
In the folder list, locate and open the folder that contains the file you want to rename.
Once you have finished drawing your folder, go ahead and add the paper and arrow as shown.
In the list that appears, find and expand the Trusted Root Certification Authority folder.
在名单中出现, 寻找和扩大受信任的根证书权威文件夹。
The design of this folder has been simultaneously modified on two or more folder replicas.
Additionally, do not implement complex permission models on your public folder hierarchies.
此外, 请勿在公用文件夹层次结构上实现复杂权限模型。
Unable to read the Log File Folder value of the System Overview log or alert configuration.
不能读到系统的日志文件, 或警告配置。
Please verify that this the correct folder and name for the backup file you want to catalog.
He was still rumbling discontentedly when Pike returned bearing a folder of foolscap sheets.
B. Open Computers folder, open My Computers, open Distributed Transaction Coordinator folder.
He shuffled the advertising proofs together and returned them to the folder they had arrived in.
Software will automatically save a backup which you modify inthe same folder. The suffix is bak.
Make sure that your antivirus software is not modifying the header files in the voice mail folder.
In most cases, the need for instantaneous access to public folder information is not a requirement.
After you had completed your application, the bank would make up an individual folder for your account.
Boys keep silent silent acceptance, and then quietly live to put meat back to his father's bowl folder.
男孩默不做声的接受, 再悄无生息地把肉块夹回父亲的碗中。
Fixed a critical bug that prevented WeiDU installation because the extraction program did not create an empty Backup folder

单词 folder 释义

  • 单词释义:文件夹;折叠机;折叠式印刷品  [更多..]



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