Ask the client to flex his knees, if possible, bringing his feet as close to his buttocks as possible.
Flex creates mxinternaluid properties for any objects that are dynamic and do not have bindable properties.
照说我的机器配置也很好了, 可是启动的速度就是那么慢。
Can’t understand the guys at the gym who just stand in front of the mirror and flex instead of actually working out.
Your PC muscle is the muscle you flex when you urinate. When you flex it purposely you are performing Kegel exercises.
This style agitator features a robust manufactured carbon steel bearing housing assembly which is intricate to the flex protected drive.
After a slow saunter onstage, gazing at her highheeled shoes, she would suddenly straighten her back, flex her muscles, throw back her head and let loose an incandescent smile.
她在舞台上缓步片刻, 给自己的高跟鞋一个注目礼。