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单词 flashlight 例句大全,用单词flashlight造句:

Do not shine the flashlight in your eyes, or other peoples eyes at close distance.
He searched through the grass, playing the beam of his flashlight around in circles.
他转动手电筒四处照射, 在草丛中寻找。
Hold the flashlight so that the beam shines straight down on a sheet of white paper.
I grabbed my camera and a flashlight and snapped this shot of an assassin bug nymph.
I was flashing my flashlight down the hall to see if I could see someone down there.
If the actor turns on the flashlight at night, then his enemies spot him immediately.
如果主角在夜里打开手电或头灯, 主角的敌人将立刻瞄准你。
Please take the batteries out of the flashlight, if you will not use for a long time.
We went a bought a flashlight with a very big battery, and a bunch of small speakers.
我们买了一个带大电池的闪光灯 还有一些小的麦克风
Alcock hunched forward to catch glimpses of the compass by the light of a flashlight.
阿尔科克猫着腰, 借着手电的光亮, 费力地看了看罗盘。
She armed herself with a flashlight before going out to investigate the strange noise.
The department store customes asked a salesperson where the flashlight batteries were.
The men worked after sun set, using only a small flashlight to keep the darkness away.
人们工作到太阳落山, 只用一个小手电筒来驱散黑暗。
With no light, he had to use his sense of feeling to find the flashlight in the drawer.
Uncle Carl said I think there's a badger living in our chimney, hand me that flashlight.
卡尔叔叔说我觉得有只獾住在咱家烟囱里, 把手电筒给我。
Because I bet you100 grand that you couldnt catch a salmon with a flashlight and I lost.
People were ripping my shirt to try and get to my flashlight, and they were crushing me.
These kits should include drinking water, a flashlight with fresh batteries, and dry food.
Making yourself a cup of coffe in the dark, using a flashlight when you pour the boiling water.
在黑暗中为自己冲一杯咖啡, 在电筒的光亮中倒着开水。
The invention discloses a light guide device applied to an electronic device with a flashlight.
一种导光装置, 应用于具有闪光灯的电子装置。
Anyway, if there wasnt any electricity and there wasnt any water, you need more than a flashlight.
Is the first domestic production of aluminum products flashlight enterprises, is the industry leader.
Insert the battery holder in the barrel with the arrow pointed towards the head end of the flashlight.
You can use the flashlight when you take a photo indoors. There's a build in flash gun in this camera.
The making and usage of the induced flashlight bell and electrostatic demonstration box are introduced.
The bridge is too dangerous to cross without a flashlight, and it's only strong enough to support two people at any given time.
过桥必须要有手电, 否则太危险。

单词 flashlight 释义

  • 单词释义:n.手电筒,闪光灯  [更多..]



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