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单词 first 例句大全,用单词first造句:

Do you remember when you were first asked for an autograph, the first autograph you signed Q.
First things first! Pass your exams first before you start talking about going to university.
The first tuner receives the first radio frequency signal and outputs a first digital signal.
Well, you know, in the middle'58s, the first antidepressants came out. Tofranil was the first.
Free admission by ticket. One ticket for admission of one person only, first come first served.
凭票免费入场, 每人一票, 名额有限, 先到先得。
The advance its matter must benefit first its, expects losing weight, starts first from clothes.
预先行其事必先利其器嘛, 预想瘦身, 先从衣服做起。
Configuration of concerning foreign affairs or foreign nationals, lowest price, get first first.
涉外设置, 最低价格格, 先抢先得。
After all, the first draft of our first impressions are sealed after as little as13 milliseconds.
AD, the British invented engine which started the first industrial the first Industrial Revolution.
英国人瓦特发明了蒸汽机, 第一次工业革命拉开帷幕。
Reservations will be confirmed on a first come first served basis upon receipt of the registration.
The pandas lived together at first but were separated following their first breeding season in May.
到来之初, 两只熊猫同居一室。
The first regular rehearsal of the three first acts was certainly to take place in the evening Mrs.
The winner of the toss has the choice to serve first or receive first. The loser has the choice of ends.
My first significant personal accomplishment came when I won first prize in a notable musical competition.
By the first day of the first month of Noah's six hundred and first year, the water had dried up from the earth.
到挪亚六百零一岁, 正月初一日, 地上的水都干了。
Repairing of soft tissue defects of thumb and the first web with the bilobed flap by the first volardorsal artery
And they set in it four rows of stones the first row was a sardius, a topaz, and a carbuncle this was the first row.
Finally, the remainder of the first very short material, material in front of the first ejection from the lathe chuck.
This year on Feburary11, first trial court makes first instance adjudge to the person of20 the accused of experience case.
Every day in the morning, the first thing I do before my first cup of coffee, before I brush my teeth, I open my notebook.
Under such circumstances, I decided, first, we would first inquire of the secretariat of the conference for accurate information.
在这种情况下, 我决定第一, 向大会秘书处质询。
I watched ‘Fight Club’ for the first time in forever and still enjoyed it as much as the first time. It has surprisingly aged well.
The reasons for the first absorber over temperature are the heat over load and high concentration of the first ammonium carbamate solution.
一吸塔超温的原因, 一类是热负荷大, 一类是一甲液浓度高。
Should a bird desire to fly, it would fly up to the sky by its first flight. Should one desire to sing, one would amaze the world with his first song.
Brief Analysis of General Layout Transportation Design of the First Project of Level Stove Transform in the First Branch Attached to Ma Anshan Steel Factory

单词 first 释义

  • 单词释义:第一,最初;头等;一号,;[乐]高音部  [更多..]



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