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单词 final 例句大全,用单词final造句:

Longer pause while all this is absorbed, then a final voice, scouse, quiet
话音落后,一片死寂 良久一个沧桑的声音响起
El amor verdadero no tiene final feliz. Porque simplemente no tiene final.
Discussion the Necessity of Final Accounting Transiting to Treasury Payment.
Terms of the agreement pending the final decision of the final negotiations.
According to school calendar, the final exam will be held at the end of June.
根据学校行事历, 期末考将在六月底举行。
To prepare the annual general budget of the Federation and the final account.
Internal and outsource wafer sort final test support, abnormal yield analysis.
中测, 测生产线支持, 成品率异常分析。
The movies final message is one of absolute, unconditional love and acceptance.
The final journey, ends up to turn out orphaned shade accompanying unavoidably.
China's defense budget and final accounts are examined and approved by the NPC.
China's defense budget and final accounts are reviewed and approved by the NPC.
Investigation of building engineering at final acceptance and records management
The final paper will be due at the start of our final class meeting, lecture 12.
On Final Adjudication Not Final of Civil Adjudication at Law Sociology Respective
No appeals will be accepted. The decision of the Chief Adjudicator shall be final.
大会不设上诉, 以总裁判的最终判决为准。
On Final Adjudication Not Final of Civil Adjudication at Law Sociology Respective.
Maintain your academic focus. Colleges will see and evaluate your final transcript.
No appeal will be accepted. The decisions of the referee on the spot will be final.
大会不设上诉, 一切赛果以当场裁判员的决定为准。
No appeal will be accepted. The decisions of the referees on the spot will be final.
大会不设上诉, 一切赛果以当场裁判之判决为准。
The geologic record dates the final explosion of Santorini with remarkable accuracy.
The financial departement has worked out the budget and final accounts for all units.
No appeal will be accepted. The final decision of the Chief Adjudicator will be final.
大会不设上诉, 一切赛果以总裁判的最后判决为准。
No appeals will be accepted. The final decision of the Chief Adjudicator will be final.
大会不设上诉, 以总裁判的最后判决为准。
Raises abundantly at competition s final 25 minute substitution card Zola goes on stage.
Reexamine and Publication of Budget and Final Accounts of Basic Construction Engineering

单词 final 释义

  • 单词释义:最后的;末了的;不可更改的  [更多..]



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