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单词 fire 例句大全,用单词fire造句:

Thus these provide basis for forecasting fire disaster and putting out fire.
I cannot undertake to be impartial as between the fire brigade and the fire.
在消防队和大火之间, 我不能同意不偏不倚。
Aflame with the fire of passion, the fire of aversion, the fire of delusion.
燃起了欲望之火, 嗔怒之火, 痴迷之火。
Those who obstruct fire alarm reporting or make false report on fire disaster.
With the approval from GM, call Fire Brigade if the fire cannot be controlled.
如果火势不能控制, 经总经理批准, 呼叫消防队前来灭火。
The only thing more accurate than incoming enemy fire isincoming friendly fire.
Testing Study in Effect of ESD to Fire Time Reliability of105 Electric Fire Cap
Determination of Fire resistance of Compound Anti fire Glasses with Thermocouple
If we had fought fire with fire, we would have suffered a great many casualties.
如果硬斗硬, 我们伤亡会很大。
If you call the fire of Warcraft, the Fire attack without impairment of Warcraft.
Fire alarm and linkage control system Linkage fire alarm and fire control system.
Because the fire is getting out of control, they have to ask for the fire brigade.
由于火势已控制不住, 他们不得不请消防队来。
A fire brigade here, Xifeng International Hotel fire, rapid fire, the rescue team.
消防大队吗?, 栖凤国际大酒店发生火灾, 火势迅猛, 请火速救援。
You may be so busy putting irons in the fire, that you're about to put the fire out.
Indirect type of Automatic Detecting and Fire Extinguishing Device of Fire Trace Tube
Prepare to fire at the belly of the enemy ship! Were taking it out! Stand by to fire!
The sons of Aaron the priest are to put fire on the altar and arrange wood on the fire.
祭司亚伦得子孙要把火放在坛上, 把柴摆在火上。
The general fire situation assessment of Cur Country and prevention and control of fire.
What is known as the Cedar Fire in San Diego is the largest fire in Southern California.
The Butler no longer calls the fire department if there is a fire outside thunder storm.
The Greater Fire Elemental has Fire Blast, Fire Nova, Fire Shield and is immune to Fire.
That tree was struck by lightening and caught fire, looking like a fire pillar from afar.
那棵树被雷劈到, 燃烧起来, 远看就像一个火柱。
One of the most critical resources during an aircraft fire response is fire suppressants.
Please don't throw the battery to the inside of the fire, otherwise cause fire and burst.
Fire crews in California are still cleaning up after a massive fire at Universal Studios.

单词 fire 释义

  • 单词释义:火(灾);炉火;取暖器;火力;激情  [更多..]



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