Unfeigned, fervent love through the Spirit should be the chief token of a true conversion.
How pleasant and sweet to behold brethren fervent and devout, well mannered and disciplined!
若我们见热心的弟兄, 良善温和, 循规蹈矩, 心中是多麽愉快!
We believe fervent and unceasing prayer should undergird all our ministries and personal life.
The fervent testimonial confirmed the President in his intention to let the expedition go ahead.
On the Council. It is our fervent hope that this will be speedily done after years of discussion.
And she had the fervent belief that every new building in Los Angeles should have public art in it.
她深信 洛杉矶的每栋新建筑里 都应该要有公共艺术。
The simple and unsophisticated building, beautiful oriental cherry and still the very fervent people.
Teacher Liang joins the fervent dancing, pinching a few girls bottoms, and drawing squeals of laughter.
And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves for charity shall cover the multitude of sins.
Like political and religious movements, linquistic change finds its most fervent disciples among the young.
Phinees our father, by being fervent in the zeal of God, received the covenant of an everlasting priesthood.
我们的祖先丕乃哈斯因为热诚, 才获永为司祭的盟约。
Open and clear, humorous fervent humour cant be no lack of steady, the most important being honest optimist!
热情开朗, 幽默风趣又不乏诚实稳重, 最重要的是乐观主义者!
Producing genuine understanding in the mind is not easy, so pray to your guru with uncontrived, fervent devotion.
When Eric and Xie An Qi who have just joined Go East sang a duet song, the reaction of the audience was fervent.
It is our fervent desire and our priority objective that this suffering should come to an end as soon as possible.