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单词 fertile 例句大全,用单词fertile造句:

Techniques for Male Parent Cultivated in Fertile Bed With Dry Circumstances in Sanyou 559
A comparative study on pollen cytomorphology of male sterile and male fertile Welsh Onion
Then, for hundreds of kilometers it crosses the fertile farm belt of the great Middle West.
The equal king occupies a southwest square fertile burnt stone under of nose the earth jail.
Inequality, injustice and ignorance are fertile breeding grounds for the seeds of terrorism.
Some adult males and females are occupied in sowing grains acres of fertile and fruitful field.
After one year without menstruation, however, she can safely assume that she no longer fertile.
但是, 绝经一年后, 她才能安全地认定自己不再有生育能力。
Teachers awaken young minds, and teachers encourage ingenuity and unleash fertile imaginations.
The Shihezi Spirit is Based on the Cultural Fertile Soil in Shihezi of Advancing with the Times
A Study of the relationship between the apricot flower types and the percentage of fertile fruit
The land is lush and fertile, and the slopes are covered with terraced crops, meadows, and moors.
In a very short time Lebanon will become a fertile field, and the fertile field will seem like a wood.
The soil on the plateau was particularly fertile, and it was hoped that the harvests would be abundant.
These counties are agricultural countries. An agricultural country needs fertile land and a good climate.
这些国家是农业国, 需要肥沃的土地和良好的气候。
King in Mount Taishan occupies fertile burnt stone in the north of the D under of hot angered earth jail.
The Comparison of Morphological Characteristics between the Fertile and Sterile Mycelia of Pholiota adiposa
Thousands of olive and citrus trees have been uprooted and fertile agricultural land reduced to a wasteland.
The genotypes which were high in yield under the lower fertile field had good endurance to the barren field.
He took some of the seed of your land and put it in fertile soil. He planted it like a willow by abundant water
This individualism in the society provides fertile breeding ground for torrent of immoderate emotions to mushroom.
The occurrence of the disease is more serious in sandy loam and fertile fields than in sandy clay and poor fields.
Here, besides beautiful mountains and rivers and fertile farmland, we have ghastly prisons and execution grounds as well.
这里有美丽的山水, 肥沃的田畴, 同时又有黑暗的监狱和刑场。
Both has the fertile soil fertile farmland, bumper grain harvest, and has the broad prairie, a hundred flowers in full bloom.
In the early stage, the callose wall of microsporangium is thinner than that of the male fertile plant, it emits weaker flourescence.
Taking into all these factors, the effect of using organic fertile of marine alga was superior to the other applying fertilizer measures.
综合各方面因素, 各种施肥措施中以施海藻有机肥效果较好。

单词 fertile 释义

  • 单词释义:肥沃的;可繁殖的;想象力丰富的  [更多..]



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